[ private to self | filtered unhackable ]
- CURSES: changes in shape, memory, surrounding, personality, action. danger level: pussy - moderately fucked frequency/duration: usually 2 - 3 times a week/one day, sometimes longer (2 days in a row?), one weekend a month.
- CITY: it's not nyc, but it's still pretty damn big. one hugeass park, subway (main transportation), twelve main apartment buildings , mountain range, forest (two bodies of water), beach
- PLACES OF INTEREST: hall of the missing, hospital, shooting range, bank, police station. (addresses/phone # linked) UNDERGROUND: (ask the old man where he gets his shit)
- DEITIES: Five of them. "Gods?" Can make "deals" with them. Lives(?), items, ?? = memories, ??
- SHEEP: feral, zombie sheep?, easy target practice.
- PEOPLE; Like a loser's wet dream (to be updated as information is compiled)
AGE: ?? (old)
RESIDENCE: sitting on his couch right now
NOTES: strong. crime masked fighter? can be trusted for now. on the same side?
[ private to eddie | filtered unhackable ]
Hey, geezer. You got cameras installed here? If not, we're getting some.
So I've heard that dead people walk here. Is that really true?
Sounds fucking crazy.
[ ooc: She arrived Thursday night and has been perusing old network posts (many, many back buttons have been pressed) and exploring the City for the past few days. She'll play oblivious though, even if she may know who characters are by name already. (Only things that have been revealed publicly on the network-- Name, occupation, basic facts mostly. No telephone number or residences unless discussed oocly. However, if you're not comfortable with this, just leave me an ooc note and I will definitely take note of it. Permission for knowledge of publicly revealed powers will be asked prior to mentioning them/using this knowledge in game.
ALSO! i am still breaking in this muse, so apologies for slow tagging. ;_; ]