drawing does equal happy for me. even if i havent slept in a long time. actually, ive been sleeping, but not at normal times. i sleep for like 4 hours, then stay up for 30, then sleep for 6, then stay up for 20, then sleep for 4 again, and then stay up for like 40 hours and then it finally catches up with me and i fucking lose it and sleep for like
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Comments 6
and i've added you as a friend. because i miss you.
i had a great time talking to you at leo's. i think we're going to start visiting gville much more often.
and i'm in bonita, so when you're down here, let me know.
but ive got your phone number now (from angie) and i will definitely give you a call next time im down there so we can hang out. plus you should call me and let me know when you come back up to gainesville. 352-375-6040
i had a good time at the top, but i understand why you left. i'm glad i got to hang out with andrew and tony. it was really nice seeing everyone.
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