drawing equals happy... drooooooool

Mar 03, 2004 05:23

drawing does equal happy for me. even if i havent slept in a long time. actually, ive been sleeping, but not at normal times. i sleep for like 4 hours, then stay up for 30, then sleep for 6, then stay up for 20, then sleep for 4 again, and then stay up for like 40 hours and then it finally catches up with me and i fucking lose it and sleep for like ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

drakainai March 3 2004, 15:24:42 UTC
when i read this - i wanted pizza - i am now going to go eat some pizza - hope all is well


hey sammyslaughter March 3 2004, 17:26:59 UTC
i saw you on angie's lj.
and i've added you as a friend. because i miss you.
i had a great time talking to you at leo's. i think we're going to start visiting gville much more often.
and i'm in bonita, so when you're down here, let me know.


Re: hey nevershop March 4 2004, 00:46:13 UTC
hey dude. yeah i had a great time too. that was such a wonderful surprise. i cant even remember the last time we hung out. im sorry i took off so abruptly though. i kind of hate the top, and i didnt know if you had gone to mingle with other folks. so when didnt see yall anywhere i just decided to leave. so, sorry about that.

but ive got your phone number now (from angie) and i will definitely give you a call next time im down there so we can hang out. plus you should call me and let me know when you come back up to gainesville. 352-375-6040


Re: hey sammyslaughter March 4 2004, 15:22:58 UTC
i dont remeber the last time we hung out, either. but i always had fun staying up until all hours with you at denny's.
i had a good time at the top, but i understand why you left. i'm glad i got to hang out with andrew and tony. it was really nice seeing everyone.


Re: hey nevershop March 5 2004, 00:55:29 UTC
so when is the next time youre heading up to gainesville? im leaving this coming weekend, but after that ill be hanging out here forever (no money = free fun = staying home!).


somsovee55 February 17 2013, 13:18:28 UTC
Log in and let the naughty fun begin! Go Here welcomemyhomecat.blogspot.com


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