Our hamster's name is Bela. I would like to put up pictures, but all I have is a $7 camera from a gas station in South Dakota. Just picture a really cute, grey-ish colored hamster, and that's Bela.
i need your advice. what should i name my new hamster? your thoughts would be much appreciated.
love, ryanShe is a winter white hamster, which means that right now she's a light brown-ish color, but she'll turn white in the winters. I'm taking suggestions, which I will post here as they come in, and I will let you all know what
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Will and I went downtown this afternoon. It's amazing to me how much one could see and do in just a couple of hours there. I need to get myself downtown more often, I feel like I missed out last year
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I haven't written in forever. This is in part because we only recently got our internet hooked up, and my computer is still a broken piece of shit anyway. Mainly, however, it's because this semester is ridiculous. I have 18 credits, which amounts to 10 classes, which adds up to about 34 hours of class per week. On top of that, I'm teaching the
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