Nurse Jackie finales always manage to kick you to the floor and land a few more blows. This one was a little different, of course.
In that Jackie Peyton got everything she ever wanted, didn't she? All at once and at the same time, knelt down in Hell where everything happens (the basement) while Gloria almost took her to salvation (up the elevator, all the way to Heaven) and diverted. And oh god what the fuck is she going to do next season other than maybe go completely insane?
The patient who was blind and deaf almost made me cry. He was on there for what, 5 seconds? That was an amazing moment.
The Trials and Tribulations of Fitch Cooper always cringe worthy. I about died. And they were all so nice. And there was so much cake. Good on him for not crying!! I was very worried he was going to snap in half in front of everyone. I think Jackie rescued him. And then Eddie redeemed every asshole thing he ever did by joining him at the end.
C'maaan, season four. Come to meee. Is it renewed for a fourth season? IDEK.