I'll say Hi to them for you. They'll appreciate every show of concern - they were pretty miserable last night. Poor babies.
And I'd love to take today off, but there's a crapload of work to do yada yada but at least I had a few relaxing minutes last weekend, and I've got a weekend to look forward to again. I'd just like to be home to be there for the kids.
And don't let my whinge stop you - I only wish that my bad day somehow sucked the bad day energy out of the air, so that others wouldn't be subject to them, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
It's OK to laugh - I did, a little, once it was all over, because...really. I even left out the part where a dish fell out of the cupboard and broke when I was emptying the dishwasher - amongst all the other stuff, I actually forgot about it. Some days are just meant to be put behind us.
I know - but it's the schizo nature of marketing. The figure is a FOTR one (with brand new FOTR package coloring, too), but the face is totally different, and the journal only appears in the movie (related to Frodo)post-quest. With the wistful look on his face, I'm choosing to see mine as post-quest, despite the packaging. :)
Comments 20
Say "Hi!" to the offspring for me, and that I hope they feel better soon.
I say take tomorrow off! You deserve it. I know, I know...
And I'd love to take today off, but there's a crapload of work to do yada yada but at least I had a few relaxing minutes last weekend, and I've got a weekend to look forward to again. I'd just like to be home to be there for the kids.
You win!
You poor thing.
Oh, and your right to complain is never superceded by someone else's sucky day. Share the pain! ;)
So much for that whiney post I was going to do on my day. :D
And don't let my whinge stop you - I only wish that my bad day somehow sucked the bad day energy out of the air, so that others wouldn't be subject to them, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
(The comment has been removed)
And it doesn't have worn-in-the-butt breeches, either. I was sorely disappointed.
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