No girlfriend of mine is going to outclass me!

Jun 13, 2005 14:23

So Manda's best friend just got her own blog. Manda's response was to decide she wanted her own blog -- off LiveJournal. Fine, that's cool. I went ahead and grabbed her the domain she wanted... and decided along the way that I was going to setup my own at the same time. Why? Ain't no way she's outclassing me!

I have a Linux server setup with 1 and 1 -- 4gigs of storage, 3 MySQL databases, 100 gig/month transfer. CGI scripts permitted in Perl, Python, Ruby, and... that may be it. Still fairly nice. Unfortunately not MS-based, but I got a realllll good discount.

So I'm trying to setup a blog-type CMS. What do I need?
- runnable on my server
- text of entries to MySQL
- Templates or CSS -- style separate from data
- static pages compatibility
- preferably ability to generate static files when dynamic data reaches maturity (ie, freeze a dynamic site)
- Web modification
- Offline modification (ie, offline updates)
- Secure entries -- ie, entry viewing available only to certain visitors
- Comment system (preferably nested, but that's unimportant); lockable; antispam
- images -- galleries would be nice, but I can work with a separate gallery app; auto thumbnail generation; images have to be uploaded to web space, not db.
- Anything else you think would be nice. :)
- I can live with modifications to most of these

So what am I going to do?

I'm going to install and try out each of the following on my server space, see what they do. Any others you think I should add to the list? Let me know!

Wordpress mu
Nucleus CMS
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