Arto, Артём, Артур, Артемида

Apr 20, 2024 06:14

Артемида, Ἄρτεμις - в греч. мифологии вечно юная богиня охоты (явно перешедшая в греческую мифологию из шаманистической лексики народов охотников-собирателей, и имеющая много мужских черт в описании);
Ср. имя Артём;
Ср. имя Arto (фин., "медведь");
Ср. имя Arthur, Arturo, Артур (arth [арθ] (уэльс.) - "медведь");
Ср. karu, karus [кару, карус] (эст.), kahr, karh [кахр, карх] (юж.-эст.), karhu [карху] (фин., ижор.), kar(a)hu [кар(а)ху] (карел.) - медведь, пушной зверь;
arth [арθ] (уэльс.), orso [орсо] (ит.), ursa, ursus [урса, урсус] (лат.), ἄρκτος [árktos, áрктос] (гр.), خرس‏ [xers] (перс.), ऋक्ष [ṛ́kṣa] (санскр.) - медведь;
Ср. Arctic [арктик] (англ.) - арктический (~медвежий).

Имеющиеся пояснения в словарях:
[Spoiler (click to open)]Артемида
Артеми́да (др.-гр. Ἄρτεμις) - в древнегреческой мифологии девственная, всегда юная БОГИНЯ ОХОТЫ, богиня плодородия, богиня женского целомудрия, покровительница всего живого на Земле, дающая счастье в браке и помощь при родах, позднее богиня Луны (её брат Аполлон был олицетворением Солнца). У Гомера - образ девичьей стройности, покровительница охоты. У римлян отождествлялась с Дианой. Этимология имени Артемида (др.-гр. Ἄρτεμις) неясна, возможные варианты: «медвежья богиня», «владычица», «убийца». Микенск. a-ti-mi-te.
The name Artemis (noun, feminine) is of unknown or uncertain origin and etymology although various ones have been proposed.
For example, according to Jablonski, the name is also Phrygian and could be "compared with the royal appellation Artemas of Xenophon. According to Charles Anthon the primitive root of the name is probably of Persian origin from *arta, *art, *arte, all meaning "great, excellent, holy," thus Artemis "becomes identical with the great mother of Nature, even as she was worshipped at Ephesus".Артём_(имя)
Артём (от греч. Ἀρτεμής - «невредимый, здоровый») - мужское имя, одно из популярных. Возникло как разговорная форма имени Артемий. Оно связано с именем богини Артемиды (др.-греч. Ἄρτεμις), которое возможно имеет догреческое происхождение. Исследователями возводится к др.-греч. ἀρτεμής «невредимый, здоровый».
N.B. др.-греч. ἀρτεμής «невредимый, здоровый» - уже скорее от самого имени Богини.
The origin of the Welsh name "Arthur" remains a matter of debate. Some suggest it is derived from the Roman nomen gentile (family name) Artorius, of obscure and contested etymology (but possibly of Messapian or Etruscan origin). Some scholars have suggested it is relevant to this debate that the legendary King Arthur's name only appears as Arthur, or Arturus, in early Latin Arthurian texts, never as Artōrius (though it should be noted that Classical Latin Artōrius became Arturius in some Vulgar Latin dialects). However, this may not say anything about the origin of the name Arthur, as Artōrius would regularly become Art(h)ur when borrowed into Welsh.
Another possibility is that it is derived from a Brittonic patronym *Arto-rīg-ios (the root of which, *arto-rīg- "bear-king" is to be found in the Old Irish personal name Art-ri) via a Latinized form Artōrius. Less likely is the commonly proposed derivation from Welsh arth "bear" + (g)wr "man" (earlier *Arto-uiros in Brittonic); there are phonological difficulties with this theory-notably that a Brittonic compound name *Arto-uiros should produce Old Welsh *Artgur and Middle/Modern Welsh *Arthwr and not Arthur (in Welsh poetry the name is always spelled Arthur and is exclusively rhymed with words ending in -ur - never words ending in -wr - which confirms that the second element cannot be [g]wr "man").
An alternative theory, which has gained only limited acceptance among professional scholars, derives the name Arthur from Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes, near Ursa Major or the Great Bear. Classical Latin Arcturus would also have become Art(h)ur when borrowed into Welsh, and its brightness and position in the sky led people to regard it as the "guardian of the bear" (which is the meaning of the name in Ancient Greek) and the "leader" of the other stars in Boötes.
A similar first name is Old Irish Artúr, which is believed to be derived directly from an early Old Welsh or Cumbric Artur. The earliest historically attested bearer of the name is a son or grandson of Áedán mac Gabráin (d. AD 609).
From Proto-Italic *orssos, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ŕ̥tḱos (“bear”). Cognates include Ancient Greek ἄρκτος (árktos), Persian خرس‏ (xers) and Sanskrit ऋक्ष (ṛ́kṣa).

Язык народа Чудь, Ностратическая гипотеза, шаманизм, Имена, Античный мир, names, История, Физическая лингвистика, Сказания и былины, finno-ugric myths, Животные

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