VIMANA (VIIMANA) meaning 'AS A COLD FAST WIND', literally, from the alive Finnish language

Jun 26, 2018 17:04

According to Eric von Daniken, with ref. to N.Dutt, 1891, "in the RAMAYANA we learn that VIMANAS navigated at great heights, with the aid of quicksilver and a great PROPULSIVE WIND. The Vimanas could cover vast distances, and could travel forwards, upwards and downwards."

Per wikipedia, the Sanskrit विमान, VIMANA literally meant "measuring, bypassing". Yet Sanskrit (with its complicated artificial grammar), is a relatively young language laid upon the more ancient languages’ layer of Prakrits - some of which still remain in use (e.g., the Tamil language, and in the far North - the Finnic languages - with both Tamil and Finnic languages being closely related to Sumerian).

In Tamil language the word VIMANA has a better explanation than in Sanscrit: விமான [VIMAANA] (Tamil) - AIR, FLIGHT.

Similar meaning in Finnish: VIIMA (Fin.) - WIND, DRAUGHT - exactly what VIMANA used for moving, according to Ramayana.

And VIIMANA (Fin.) - means 'AS A COLD FAST WIND'.


वायु, वात [vāyu, vāta; вааю, ваата] (санскр.), [vā́ta; ваата] (авест.) - ветер; वा, वाति [vā, vāti; ваа, ваати] (санскр.) - дуть, дует;
वायु [vaayu; ваайу] (хинди) - воздух, ветер;
வாயு [Vāyu; вааю] (тамильск.) - воздушный, газообразный;
冬[Fuyu; фуйу] (яп.) - зима (вьюжное, ветреное время года);
baye [байе] (курд.) - ветер;
веять, повеять; ветер;
vento [венто] (ит.) - ветер;
wind [винд] (англ.), Wind [винд] (нем.) - ветер; winter [винтер] (англ.) - зима (досл., "ветреннное" время года);
mvuma [мвума] (чева, язык в юж. Африке) - восток, восточный ветер;
viima, р.п. viiman [виима, вииман] (фин.) - сильный северный ветер; viimana [виимана] (фин.) - "как холодный быстрый ветер", "подобный холодному быстрому ветру";
விமான [Vimāṉa; виимаа на] (тамильск.) - воздух, полет;
Vimana, Вимана - "небесная колесница богов" из индийских священных писаний.

Ср. vii(ma), viia [вий(ма), вийа] (эст.), vie(dä) [вие(дя)] (фин., чудск.), vie’ddõ [вие'дды] (ливонск.), viijjä [виийя] (водск.), veejjä [вееййя] (ижорск.), viijä [виийя] (карельск.), ve(da) [ве(да)] (вепсск.), viikkâd [вииккад] (саамск.), vije(ms) [вийе(мс)] (эрз.) - нести, унести, везти, отвозить, увезти, отвести, увести, перевозить, перенести, перевезти (прежде всего грузы по воде), вывозить, экспортировать; vi(ms) [ви(мс)] (мокш.) - посылать, отправлять; vaji̮ni̮ [вайыны] (удмуртск.), vajni̮ [вайны] (коми) - приносить, доставлять; wŭ-, wu- [вы-, ву-] (хант.), wiγ- (манс.) - брать, покупать, доставлять; visz [виис] (венг.) - брать, нести, перевозить.

The old linguistic theory on the origins of Finno-Ugric languages, in describing their origins in a tight location near the Ural mountains, has done the world of scholarship a great disservice. For over a century scholars have completely ignored the Finno-Ugric languages in investigations of prehistoric Europe [and not only Europe!] simply because they have been told they were not there. By A. Pääbo,


This is NOT to say that Finnic 'peoples' were that 'mighty' or 'powerful' - but to say that their languages are a direct remnant of something extremely old.

Same stem -VII- is of course found in many other languages across the planet, reflecting the vast interrelation in the past, overthrowing the 19th Century Indo-Germanists' hypothesis of languages development:

mvuma (Chewa language in the South of Africa) - East; Eastern wind;
веять, повеять [veyati, poveyati] (Rus.) - to blow; ветер [veter] (Rus.) - wind;
vento (It.) - wind;


More to follow, including the Finnic and Baltic etymology for VAJRA, वज्र, the weapon of the Gods, as well as for the STUPA, or TUBA, the extraterrestrials' spacecraft machine, which conic form is still copied all around the globe as cupolas and minarets and steeples on top of, or attached to the churches, mosques and other temples 'of the Gods', where people attempt and re-attempt to 'unite with the Gods' who have promised to once come back to our Planet.

nostratic languages hypothesis is alive, Античный мир, История, paleocontact hypotheis, history

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