Things were looking a little brighter for Hanna and her mother.
Because of Mona's confession, there was room for some doubt, enough so that the judge finally set bail for Ashley. Unfortunately, it was set at a million dollars because this was a police officer who had been killed. At least 100,000 of it had to be paid up front.
Hanna's father refused to do it. More likely, his stupid new wife probably wouldn't let him. Whatever. Hanna shouldn't have bothered to think she could rely on him. An anonymous donor made the payment for them. After spending some time with him, Ashley was convinced Ted, the church deacon she'd been seeing, paid for it. Hanna was impressed. He must really like her.
So Hanna got to spend this week with her mom. At home. It was a great relief for now.
Mona was currently back at Radley. Hanna was certain this was all part of Mona's plan. She didn't care what Mona was up to. Whatever it was, she was helping Ashley. Hanna was grateful for that. Now, they had some more time to figure out who was setting Ashley up.
At the moment, Hanna was exasperated. She'd been flipping through the television, stopping on another news update about Wilden's murder and her mother's potential involvement. They were Rosewood's favorite thing to gossip about right now.
"I want you to go back, Hanna," Ashley told her, referring to Fandom and her dorm room there. "I don't want you around all this."
"I'm not leaving you," Hanna said, shaking her head.
"I won't be alone," Ashley informed her. "I've got Ted, and, if you really feel uneasy about it, one of your friends can check in."
"But I already graduated and everything. I don't need to be there." Though Hanna had to admit, she did miss that wacky town. It put Rosewood to shame, really.
"At least go for a few days," Ashley pleaded. "It would make me feel better."
"I don't know," Hanna said, unsure. "I'll think about it?"
Ashley smiled. "I appreciate that you want to be here for me, but I'll be okay."
Hanna had to admit. She was kind of tired of being stared at every time she left the house.
Still, she had to think about it.
[from 4x09 "Into the Deep" with additional dialog]