Outside room BE-5, you might notice a little Jolteon attacking the door.
It all started out innocently enough, after a rather rough first day as a pokemon Silver just wanted to go back to "his" dorm and sleep. Possibly make a hate filled entry about all of this; provided he could actually touch a computer without absorbing all of it's energy again. He then looked at the closed door and realized exactly how impossible it would be for him to open the door all by himself.
Of course being Silver that didn't stop him from trying as he convinced himself that despite his new size issues and lack of hands that he could open the door as easily if he would if he were a human. At first he tried to stand upright on his hind legs and paw at the handle, when that proved futile he tried to jump up onto the handle itself and rotate it with his own body weight: the only thing the accomplished was making him a bit disoriented as he merely spun in a circle before sliding right off.
Becoming increasingly frustrated he tackled the door. If he were a larger pokemon this would have worked however as a small Jolteon he simply bounced off of the door like a stuffed animal. "Stupid door!" he growled as his emotional fur began to stand on end with frustration.
>Just watch and laugh and probably get needles sprayed at you
>Try and help and still have the deal with an ungrateful little twerp
>Just walk by and pretend nothing is happening
>completely ignore this and do whatever you want]