
Jan 25, 2006 20:01

predilection - noun: A predisposition to choose or like; an established preference.

This story features the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler and occurs sometime after the “Christmas Invasion” It is rated G (Fan Rated C)

Doctor Who is owned by the BBC and is used here without permission. No money is being made from this endeavor.

Experto Credite
by Mariposa Torres

Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, retired and he meant it this time, frowned at the large blue box materializing in his garden. He waited until the occupants emerged. “DOCTOR!”

The man in the pinstriped suit jumped causing the pretty young girl behind him to run into him. “Ah, Alistair, good to see you.”

“My begonias?”

The Doctor turned and glanced at the crushed flowers. “Oh.” He flinched then pulled Rose forward, “Rose Tyler, this is Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, retired and he means it this time....”

“And I was looking forward to it, Doctor. Tea on time in the afternoon, a nap beforehand, some gardening to keep the body nimble.” He gestured they should follow him into the house. “Good afternoon, Miss Tyler, I’m only upset with the Doctor.”

“He blames the TARDIS.”

“That’s not what has my ire up.”

“It isn’t?” The Doctor asked.

“Does the name Harriet Jones ring a bell?”

The Doctor’s face darkened as they sat at the table. “Has that woman...”

“I knew it.” Lethbridge-Stewart put out cups for his guests. “How long have you known him Miss Tyler?”

“About a year.” Rose replied taking the mug from him.

“Been in trouble a lot?” Lethbridge-Stewart asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“She’s very jeopardy friendly.” The Doctor said.

Lethbridge-Stewart laughed, “Now that is the pot calling the kettle black.” He looked at the Doctor’s wounded expression. “Trouble follows you around like a little black cloud you can never quite seem to get ahead of, even if you wanted to.”

“I resent that remark!”

“You are that remark.” Lethbridge-Stewart turned to Rose, “You see, he usually has three companions; trouble, that ramshackle TARDIS, and someone like you.”

“I’ll have you know that there are few who can compare with Rose and the TARDIS is a classic model.”

“Hmpf.” Then Lethbridge-Stewart looked closer at the face in front of him, in particular the eyes. Then he noticed how the Doctor watched Rose drink her tea and changed course, “So what exactly did you do to the Prime Minister?”

“I reprimanded her for a moral lapse and she took it badly.” Before Lethbridge-Stewart could say anything the Doctor added, “Silurians. What happened?”

“She is rabble rousing and the UN is requesting I travel to Geneva and fill them in on the Sycorax incident.” Lethbridge-Stewart leaned back in his chair, “Again, Doctor, I find myself explaining you and your behavior...”

“They were retreating! She had no right to have them shot down! From what I understand she shouldn’t have even been allowed to entertain the order.”

“And I will tell them this. Again. And I will point out yet again that although you are not a native of this world, you do have our best interests at heart.”

The Doctor smiled. “Thank you, Alistair.”

“You’re welcome Doctor.”

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