panoply - noun: 1. A splendid or impressive array. 2. Ceremonial attire. 3. A full suit of armor; a complete defense or covering.
This story features the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler and is rated G (Fan rated C).
Doctor Who is owned by the BBC and is being used here without permission. No money is being made from this endeavor.
Unfashionable History
by Mariposa Torres
“Blimey, what’s this get-up?”
The Doctor looked across the landing of the wardrobe room and frowned at the monstrosity that Rose had found. “Gallifreyan formal robes, yes mine, the headdress is on the floor to your left.”
“What happened if the wind blew?”
“No one ever went outside, except me, and not wearing that.” He smiled, “Now granted, there was no shortage of hot air in the Panoptican.”
Rose hung the robes back on the rack, “So you were a breath of fresh air?”
The Doctor snorted. “Like a hurricane is a stiff breeze, c’mon, there’s a party waiting for us.”