That fucking bitch. I am in a state of absolute fucking amazement at the nerve. I don't condone spousal abuse, but right now I sure as fuck understand it.
OK, let me back up. Yesterday my wife emails me a copy of the divorce papers she filed against me (which btw was unexpected... she beat me to the punch because I was fucking stupid). ANyway so reading carefully through it I get to this part:
"Petitioner requests the Court to reimburse Petitioner's separate estate for funds or assets expended by Petitioner's separate estate for payment of unsecured liabilities of Respondent's separate estate. Those expenditures resulted in a direct benefit to Respondent's separate estate. Petitioner's separate estate has not been adequately compensated for or benefited from the expenditure of those funds or assets, and a failure by the Court to allow reimbursement to Petitioner's separate estate will result in an unjust enrichment of Respondent's separate estate at the expense of Petitioner's separate estate."
Now I am no lawyer, but I understand big words, so I am 99% certain I am deciphering this correctly (waiting on my lawyer to call me back Monday about it). The Retitioner is my wife, I am the Respondant. She is saying that she spent her money to pay for things that benfitted me and wants repayment for it.
So I email her back and tell her she needs to back her lawyer off because that's just garbage. She responds with this:
"Oh, the attorney asked me about my retirement, I explained mine went to our marriage."
Byt this she is referring to the fact that when she quit her job a year into our marriage she decided to withdraw her retirement account (and lose 30% of it to early withrdrawal penalties) to pay for repairs to her truck and pay down some of her credit cards that were maxed out before we got married. So I tell her that that money didn't go to me or our marriage in any way, that paid for her seperate property.
She responds with this:
"That money of mine went to OUR marriage, we got computers, payed bills and fixed the autos with it. And there has been plenty of times that I got you clothes for work so you would look your best on the job and I went without except for a new nighty and you no it, also helped with college some too.
Gah how many times did I complain of the way I looked/dressed."
The computers she is referencing were purchased a full 6 months BEFORE that money was withdrawn. The second car we had was a Ford Escort I had when we got married. That thing was bulletproof. The only repair it ever needed was the alternator had to be replaced every 2 weeks because of an electrical issue. But I had it on a lifetime warranty that was purchased before I ever met her, so when I swapped it out every 2 weeks it was free. (If Autozone ever stops that free replacement stuff it will be my fault, btw...)
The rest just blows my fucking mind. I cannot believe she had the fucking nerve to type those words to me. HELL yes I got clothes for work: I WAS THE ONLY ONE OF US WHO HAD A JOB! She refused to get one for 7 years! I begged her to and she refused. Helped me with college?! WHAT the bleeding fuck?! I am 28 years odl and I have an Associates degree only. Why? Because I could only afford junior college, and I could only afford one semester per year. Half the time my parents ended up paying for it, and the other half I got paid back at the end of the semester from tuition reimbursement.
Helped me go to college. Bullshit. Helping me would have been going out to get a damn job so I could work part time and go to an actual university. So I could have gotten my bachelor's in software engineering by 23 instead of 33. So I could have gone into game development like I wanted to.
How exactly did she help me pay for college and help me buy clothes when she wasn't working and had ZERO income?! The past 2 years she finally had some money to help out, because her mother was giving her $11k a year. But ALL of that went to things she wanted to buy for her (with the exception of the iPod she got me for my birthday) and bills. Bills, mind you, that were only so fucking high because SHE was at home all day with every light in the house on, the AC cranked down to 68 (even when it was 110 outside), with the TV blaring in the living room, all 5 computers and monitors turned on because "she liked the way the screensavers looked all going when she walked by". A 1,000 square foot house with a $300-500 electric bill every month. Sound normal to you? Me neither.
And yet somehow, magically, SHE ended up with the raw end of the stick because she didn't get new clothes?! She never wen tout of the house except when we went to buy groceries or see a movie, which byt he way I had to drag her to do. She would never go anywhere with me and if I went alone she complained I was distant. So I stopped going places. I became a shut in, which for anyone who knows me knows that's not me. I am a social butterfly.
What's worse is that BECAUSE I was a shut in so long I am having a really hard time talking to people and becoming more social. Where I used to always have somethign to talk abotu and be all bubbly and cheerful, now I have a hard time thinking of things to say. It's killing me.
Oh, and incidentally: every time I ordered work clothes I would get 2, MAYBE 3 outfits, and she would get 4. Always 4. Every time. When I got my job at Samsung I bought 4 outfits. She bought an entire new wardrobe of work clothes... 8 outfits. Because she was going to go look for work. She went for 2 interviews, turned them both down and then said she couldn't find anything and stopped looking. Horrendous fight ensued until I was made to feel like shit for trying to badger her into keeping up the search.
So hwo int he FUCK does she think she put money into the marriage that benefitted ME?! I am so enraged at that bitch I am truly glad she isn't in range of me. I wouldn't hurt her but I would sure as hell scream at her at the top of my lungs.
Oh, and get this shit! She just emailed me again and asked if I would download a game for her to play... You just spat on me and then asked me to break the law for you?! What in the nine hells is THAT about?!
God I wish I had a punching bag sometimes...
Well I felt like it was a dickish thing to do, but I guess I have no choice but to block her email address entirely..