In my grandparents' living room there was a baby grand piano. It was purchased when my mom was a kid, and it originally was to sit in the basement.
When the crew brought the thing down into the basement they left it sitting vertically against the support beam (see the picture in the previous post for a location...). They laid it such that the legs were "wrapped around" the beam, kind of like this:
Where the vertical line is the beam, the angled line is the piano, and the horizontal lines are the legs.
They did this at my grandfather's request so that he could finish hanging the wooden paneling on the wall it was supposed to sit in front of.
My mom was standing in front of the fireplace talking to my grandfather, who was standing in front of the piano, facing her. They were discussing the paneling, because she was "helping" him hang it.
After the crew that brought the piano left it was just the two of them in the basement. They were talking when they heard voices, low and hushed. They thought it was the TV upstairs, so he sent my mom up to the kitchen to turn it off, because my grandmother was napping. She got up there and the TV wasn't on. There were no radios on, either. So she headed back downstairs.
My grandfather continued to hear the voices as she went upstairs, and he tried to listen closer to hear what was being said. He said he could only hear every few words, but it was obviously 2 men arguing. He turned toward the bar to see if he could discern the source. About this time my mother rounded the landing and headed down the stairs.
The voices went from barely a whisper to an almost conversational tone, but started moving very fast, too fast to catch what was being said. As my mom reached the floor of the basement he turned to her to shoosh her so he could listen, and as he "shhh!"ed her the voices stopped. Immediately after the piano tipped over and slammed into the floor, breaking 3 of my grandfather's toes *through* his steel toed boots.
Now this was not just a case of the piano tipping over... it actually fell *against* the angle of inclination, as in it tipped up to straight vertical and fell over backwards. If you ask him about it he will tell you that the ghosts were arguing and when he shushed her they thought he was shushing them so they attacked him.
True or not, the very next day he had the crew come back in and carry the piano up into the living room...
Peace & Light,