Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.
~Mark Overby
^^ stolen from the quotemaster (Steph)
The idea of comparing love to a rose is far from new, obviously, but this particular quote just really sums it all up better than any I've heard. So much symbolism packed into such a small string of words.
A rose, being a flower is part of nature, part of the world. So putting that to the love analogy it's a statement about how love connects all things. The wild rose signifies the fact that love can sprout anywhere.
Beautiful, obviously. No one would deny that love is beautiful, no matter how messy it may get.
Calm, I mean it's the ultimate calm. Love is peace, light, bliss. It's why when you look deep into the eyes of someone you love time just stops dead. All the world fades away and you're totally at peace, if only for a moment.
Willing to draw blood in its defense is absolutely true, too. In a lot of ways. There's the angle that you fight for what you love. There's also the fact that love can and does fight for itself. When you start to drift away love will fight to heal that distance. And of course there's the fact that love can be damaging as all hell when it dies. Anyone who's ever been through a bad breakup can attest to that one.
I know this may come as a surprise to you guys, but I spend a great deal of time thinking about love. What it is, what it means, why it can be so damned hard. This quote really stirred me. It's all intuitive of course, but something about the complexity of it coupled with the simplicity just really resonated.
I've obsessed so much lately about finding love, searching so hard for an outlet for it. I made my mind up to do the volunteering and the very next day I was back to thinking the same way and wanting to make the same mistakes again. It's like I can't stop.
But this quote helped me to put a few things in perspective and realize a few things. Maybe I can use that to heal more, maybe stop acting stupid so much...
Peace, Light, and Love