So scratch my idea that New Metropolis would be saner than Seattle. New town, new critters, nobody told me this was part of the game. Still wasn't one hundred percent on exactly who the bitch from the club was, but a few hours at the office and I'd printed up close to a hundred pages of sweet Xerox love on exactly what she was.
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Felt a prickling going up and down my spine. I'm used to getting looks, trust me on that. This was more like a stare and I could just sense it. Turning back toward the crowd I scanned the faces, looking for the eyes I knew where fixed on me. "Fuuuuuucking..." I trailed off, taking a long drink as I spotted Alec in under a second. Didn't have time to get out more then that as loud music hit and three guys in flesh colored thongs took to the stage right behind Alec.
Wait... was the wrong club? Or...huh. Headed over to him and whispered just under the music, "Finally out of the closet. Good for you."
"Oh bite it, Max. I'm not here for the dudes. My roommate works here, I'm just here to be nice. It's very like you to assume that just cause you can't have me that I must be gay."
How quickly we return to old habits. What was it about Max? We have kicked some serious ass side by side, done a lot of good for a lot of people, and been through stuff that makes most war veterans have a bond til the day they die...and yet everytime we see each other, we get on each other's nerves like no other.
...and yet? Seeing Max after all this time? It was kind of nice to know that some things never change. I guess that means I kind of missed the bitch. Not that I'd tell her that.
"So I see you made it to New Metropolis. What's the matter, Seattle not good enough for you anymore?"
"Uhhuh, roomie, that what your callin it now a days?" Looked past him at one of the guys, a smile forming as I got a look at what was underneath the thongs. "Damn, think he might have some horse DNA cause he's huuuuung."
Wait, was Alec still talking? "Yeah, Seattle. Too rainy. It got old." The farther away this conversation got from Logan the better. Hmm, Alec plus a bar rumored to have shapeshifters from wall to wall. Coincidence? "So, how'd you end up here?" There, I could be nice. Sweet even. Not that I wasn't digging for info.
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