End of Year Fic meme

Jan 15, 2016 18:16

I've only completed 6 new fics this year, but since everyone else seems to have done this already:


List of Completed Fics:
The Thought That Counts
The Unlikely (But True) Tale of Troilus and Cressida
Sailing On
Steal Away into Eternity
An Unearthly Child- Jane Austen Style!
Small Wonder (which was originally written and posted on Tumblr back in August for a friends birthday, but I only got around to putting it on Teaspoon just now.)
Total number: 6

Total word count: ??? not a lot? none of them are more than 3000 words.

Ship/character breakdown:
Barbara Wright- 3
Ian Chesterton- 3
First Doctor- 2
Susan Foreman- 2
Vicki- 2
Troilus- 2
Ian/Barbara- 3
Vicki/Troilus- 2
(I just can't help loving obscure First Doctor era stuff- and I've been pretty shippy this year too! Who knew I could write so much romance?)


Best/worst title? I really do like 'Steal Away into Eternity' a lot. I had no idea what to call it till I was editing it a final time and that phrase jumped out at me as being rather poetic and fitting. Worst probably 'Small Wonder'. I kept coming up with cutesy cliches, and I fear it still is, but it was the least horrible one that occurred to me, and it's cutesy baby!fic after all, so watcha gonna do?

Best/worst summary? I like the succinct summaries I came up with for 'Troilus & Cressida' and 'Sailing On', but I hate the one I had for 'The Thought That Counts'. I feel it's not terribly descriptive or intriguing, and might be partly why that's the least-read fic I've posted.

Best/worst first line? None of them stand out as particularly brilliant or terrible to me.

Best/worst last line? I'm quite proud of the last line in 'Steal Away into Eternity'. I'm sort of 'meh' about the last line of my Jane Austen AU, because it's not an actual ending, it's just where the story cuts off because there's no more, so what can you do with it?

General questions:

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? About what I expected.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
All the Vicki/Troilus- I didn't expect to ship them so much! Also, all the romance in general was a little surprising to me, since usually I can only write gen. And baby!fic. Much as I love Ian/Barbara, and always pictured them having babies and living happily ever after, I never thought something as painfully cute as 'Small Wonder' could be penned by me!

What's your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. 'An Unearthly Child- Jane Austen Style!'

Okay, NOW your most popular story. 'An Unearthly Child- Jane Austen Style!' wins that one too, by far. When I posted it I genuinely thought no one would be interested in it but me, but I'm clearly no judge of the public's taste!

Story most underappreciated by the universe? I'm pretty happy with the response to all of them, quite honestly.

Story that could have been better? Part of me still feels like maybe 'The Thought That Counts' isn't that great, but I don't know what I'd change about it. It's only meant to be shippy fluff, and it succeeds in being that, so it's probably okay. But 'Small Wonder' is very much more on the sentimental side than I'm usually comfortable writing, and the whole 'parents and babies' subject matter is entirely foreign to my actual life experience, so I'm kind of afraid someone who is a parent will read it and say 'that's terrible- babies don't do that- parents don't do that', etc!

Sexiest story? I'm quite fond of the chemistry I built up for Austen!Ian & Austen!Barbara, and I feel like it veers toward the sexy there, in a very veiled Jane Austen way.

Saddest story? 'Sailing On' and 'Steal Away into Eternity' both had sad elements, but they end hopefully at least.

Most fun? 'The Unlikely (But True) Tale of Troilus & Cressida' & 'An Unearthly Child- Jane Austen Style!' are both fun to read, I think.

Story with single sweetest moment? 'Steal Away into Eternity' has a very sweet ending, but 'Small Wonder' is just one big sweet moment.

Hardest story to write? 'Small Wonder', aka 'The baby!fic'. Ugh- never again.

Easiest/most fun story to write? 'An Unearthly Child- Jane Austen Style!'

Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? Well, maybe the two Vicki/Troilus stories made me think about their characters more deeply.

Most overdue story? ???

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Well, I wrote a Jane Austen pastiche, so that's probably a risk! I didn't think about it at the time, but to try to imitate the style of one of the most famous authors in the English language could be seen as a pretty fearsome thing, so I'm glad I didn't think of it that way when I did it! When I got reviews saying I'd captured her style well, it kind of hit me what a huge compliment that is, to have people say they could hear her voice in something I wrote- I mean, oh my god! Jane Austen is one of my heroes! To anyone who says fanfiction is trivial, I can definitely say they're wrong! To get a compliment like that would be huge for even a published author. Whenever I feel like I'm not that great of a writer, I think of that now and feel better. Just posting fic for the world to see is a risk in itself, but the lesson I take from it is that if you take a big risk, you might get a big reward. Hearing that your story made someone happy is the best reward ever.

What are your fic writing goals for next year? To actually write stuff! Also maybe to do a multi-part story at some point. And to post something for an era other than First Doctor- I wrote a few Third Doctor comedy pieces I'm a little nervous about posting, since it's not quite my comfort zone as much, and I don't know if I have those characters down as well. Maybe I need a beta- which could be another writing goal this year. *adds to list*

doctor who, stuff i wrote

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