
Mar 25, 2014 21:08

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone who PM'd, emailed, FaceBooked, or otherwise wished me a happy birthday. *hugs all around* You all made my day very special. :D

Also, I'm rounding up my lovely presents to share.

fragrantwoods wrote a lovely Sharon/Andy, Rusty family vacation fic, Once You Go, You Know. It's everything I could wish for my Rusty. And Sharon/Andy are adorable too. I won't spoil it, but it's absolutely delightful. ♥

lanalucy wrote one of my OTPs, Laura/Kara, giving them a beautiful happy ending, although I've already requested at least one follow-up. ♥ Shades of Emerald Fields is part of an ongoing 'verse, so be sure to read each part.

defyingnormalcy wrote Deal, a beautiful mother-son moment between my favorite mother-son duo in the world, Sharon, Rusty. It feels like a warm blanket when you read it. ♥

afrakaday wrote The Littlest Fan, set in my Ikeaverse. It features the adorable Judith (Judy) Adama and her big sister Kara predominantly, and they are quite a pair. *hugs them tight* It follows-up the " Ikeaverse Christmas Special" perfectly, which tickles me to death. ♥


fic recs, random thoughts, real life

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