2 calls for artwork and artists

May 25, 2006 14:31

From today's Hot Iron Press e-mail

Constance is a design project that celebrates and explores the fragmentary life that is New Orleans. Publishing various mediums of art, including photography, painting, drawing, illustration, writing, graffiti and graphic design, Constance offers a fresh interpretation of a city that is in immense, and often times overwhelming cultural and social flux. The upcoming issue, Constance: Replicas and Replacements aims to not only make sense of the fissured New Orleans identity, but to discover the creative and experimental possibilities of our present historical moment.

Constance is currently accepting submissions until May 30th, for the fall 2006 publication of "Replicas and Replacements." We want your paintings, drawings, photographs, illustrations, writings, graffiti and all other pieces that can be reproduced on the printed page. Our only criteria is that your work be original and present a fresh perspective of New Orleans and its newly found (and lost) potential.

More info: We Are Constance.org

3 Ring Circus in conjunction with the Monster Gallery and Brooklyn Lyceum, will be bringing the New Orleans cultural community to New York. 3 Ring Circus Arts Education Center is taking 100 - 150 visual artists, as well as a full schedule of NOLA films, to Brooklyn to be on view at both The Monster Gallery and The Brooklyn Lyceum from August 28th until October 9th. During this time, 3 Ring and company will present all facets of our fascinating cultural community: visual art, film, music, crafts, theatre, performance, dance - you name it, we’re bringing it. The entire month will be scheduled with events, parties, workshops and screenings all focused on New Orleans and issues that have come up from the aftermath of the storm. Along with all these events and the exhibit, 3 Ring will also have a retail store which will showcase New Orleans crafts/fashions/media/small artworks etc.

What does this mean to you?
As a craftsperson/artisan this is a new market we can provide to New Orleans artists (those who are back and those who have been displaced). You can have your work showcased and available for purchase to a complete new group of buyers. We will also be inviting the press as well as retail buyers from stores, museums and galleries. There is also the possibility of a satellite booth/store at all the outdoor events that could be taking place as part of the whole festival.

How do you get involved?
Please follow the guidelines listed below in order to enter this open call for a great opportunity.

Please send photos/web address/info/bio for the attention of Heather at
surge.nola.nyc@gmail.com for jurying by the 3 Ring Circus and New York galleries.

Fees: When accepted there will be a $50 vendors fee for the shipping/admin/running of store and booth (consider this like a vending fee, i.e. Bywater/Midcity etc, but this is going to reach a whole new audience and consumer group over the space of 6 weeks) then the consignment fees are 50% artist, 25% 3Ring, 25% nyc gallery.

So please send us your pics, etc!! There will be a meeting at the beginning of June with a sample of some of the goodies that we will be bring, so if you want to be part of the flagship show and tell then send us your info!!


To find out more or if you have any questions contact Heather Macfarlane at: surge.nola.nyc@gmail.com
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