Hello again ^___^
It's just a simple update about the
"We want NEWS" petition which turned out to be a supportive message to the boys (as
HERE), the project was really amazing for many reasons,and I'm so proud of all the hard work you did guys ♥,NEWS Fans Seiko hontoni ~✿,you are really so loyal,loving & strong..NEWS are so lucky to Have such fans ♥
pic credit to
fuckyeahgyoza@tumblr As we promised ,We successfully sent your signatures (which was 1 page for messages + 8 pages for the signatures XD put in medium brown envelope for documents) to the address of Johnny's family club + the e-mails of the radio shows for kei-chan,Massu & shige on time last 15 October 2011 ^___^ !!
we tried our best to meet all the conditions & rules of the club *teary eyes*, we even make the envelope as flat as possible to make them understand that they are only documents or messages & not gift or something they prevent !
but they are making it hard for us >__<,also they didn't say anything about petition\support message\fan project from overseas fans ..neh?XD ,hope they will receive it well & will give it to NEWS ♥ or even let them know about it *pray so hard*
More info about the project for those who are interested ^O^ :
We had total 620 signatures from NEWS Fans all over the world
We had participation of 52 country as listed below :
click to enlarge ^^
in only 5 weeks ^___^ ,Thank you so much for your support,trust ,enthusiasm & participation ,you are really amazing,I hope our voices will reach NEWS to know that we are with them all the way forever
please stay ready lovely NEWS Fans from now on,in every radio show of NEWS members or any magazine article or anything related to them ,hoping the boys will interact & say anything about this project or the world support they received or something ,and if they did mention that in any way please let us know <3 ,I really hope our feelings will reach them making them happy & that will give them that strength they always give to us .
Otsukare sama NEWS Fans it wouldn't have been done without you *big HUG & a lot of cookies To all of you* ,let's keep support our beloved NEWS & move on toward brighter future ^O^
& if you can please participate in those lovely Fan-projects as well :
1- Twitter trending : Let's all STAND UP :
http://news-jpop.livejournal.com/639874 8.html 2- VIDEO MONTAGE: ZUTTO NEWS!
http://news-jpop.livejournal.com/640058 4.html 3- NeverEndingWorldSupportive (N.E.W.S.) Fans Project
http://ilovetego.livejournal.com/10 307.htmlor here :
http://newsusafanbase.livejournal.com/1 0427.html Have a nice day Minna-san ♥
P.S : (so sorry for not replying all of your comments in the previous posts like I intended to do dears *shy*,but I couldn't really because of real life that drives us all crazy >_<,but don't worry I collected all the signatures which were posted in them also in the e-mails that were sent ^__^ )
P.S for dear mods : I didn't know how to tag this ,if there is something wrong please let me know *shy*