For reasons we are still trying to figure out what was supposed to be a well planned attempt to clean up a few journals that were violating LiveJournal's policies that protect minors turned into a total mess. I can only say I’m sorry, explain what we did wrong and what we are doing to correct these problems and explain what we were trying to do but
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You would be surprised at the number of people who write those types of /fictional/ stories, yet /do not support/ those actions in reality.
You are not the thought police.
Fandom is seriously the least of your worries as far as building a better community. Weed out the real pedos - you know, the ones who don't think Harry Potter is sooo hot and should totally hook up with Ginny, or the likes. A story or a fanart in a regard like this isn't a "thin veneer" of anything. I could take a fanfiction featuring fictional adult characters and replace the names with underage characters like Harry Potter and it'd be the same damned thing: A work of fiction.
So I suppose the 600 or so journals that list infertility as an interest are saying "I like infertility!".
Oh look, here are 500 journals that say "I'm in favour of pcos!".
Not to mention 600 journals yelling "I support diabetes!".
Seriously, go read up on folksonomies, and then come back with better arguments. Hell, ask Mena Trott! I mean, you guys are supposed to be on top of that kind of stuff, and this is the best you can do? Forget me being bewildered and hurt and taking my dollars elsewhere, on top of that you're just managing to destroy all your internet credibility, and you're costing me my personal geek heroes.
I fully expect no reply to this, as I got no reply when I either left comments at , when I emailed feedback, privacy, or support, or when I called the US SixApart office and left messages. I was ignored, as were almost all of my fellow users simply wanting to know how we could possibly have ended up defending ourselves from this mess.
I have spent the day doing whatever I can - putting the word out on my own journal and elsewhere, passing around pertinent links, becoming a member of fandom_counts (currently with over 23,100 members and going strong), emailing whoever the heck I could, even those idiot "warriors for innocence", even putting up links, pertinent information, and my very frank opinion on my publishing blog and on Facebook ( ... )
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