Hello again.
I want to update you on the status of correcting the issues that occurred earlier this week:
First, all journals and communities that were suspended that did not clearly violate community policies have been restored. Over the weekend and into the next couple of weeks we will be doing the following:
We will contact each user whose journal
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Because in the heady rush of having an impact and getting all our comms and journals back, it's easy to forget the other thing which Strikethrough '07 should remind us of. And that's that - although LJ may be a safe haven for most of us fans - predators can be and are a very real problem. And not just on the great wide interwebs, either.
Over 30,000 people have now joined fandom_counts. How many more users took a stand and withdrew all financial support from LJ/SixApart over the incident? Many may be ready now to change their minds, and once again pledge their money to LJ/SixApart - but many ( ... )
And I'd totally be donating to charities like that if I had the money to begin with. Right now, the only charity I can donate to is the 'feed myself' charity, and that's not going so well either *mewl*
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