Derek Black pushes legal case after Palm Beach County GOP blocks him from committee seat.
Derek Black, 20, won a little-noticed 2008 Republican primary election to one of 111 executive committee seats. But the party disqualified Black because he didn't sign a party loyalty oath on time.
An attorney for Black, Lee Levenson, sent Palm Beach County Republican Chairman Sid Dinerstein a draft lawsuit last month claiming the local GOP failed to tell Black and other candidates that the Republican Party of Florida had set an earlier deadline for signing the oath.
Levenson points to an August court order that the Miami-Dade GOP seat 19 members after the court found the local party hadn't given the candidates adequate notice of the new deadline.
While Black's dispute with the GOP has centered on party rules and procedures, it has attracted larger attention because he's the son of former Grand Wizard Don Black and a close associate of former Klan leader David Duke.