Jury Nullification and Christian persecution

Mar 31, 2016 14:13

Jury Nullification and Christian persecution

Kent Hovind Jury Nullification Terrifies Rogue Government

EDITORS NOTE: We are living in a satanic twilight zone. Hold on to your seat while LoneStar1776 breaks down the blatant injustice in Kent Hovind’s case.

“This whole entire situation is ripe. The prosecutors, Pamela C. Marsh and Tiffany Eggers, put in a motion to Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers saying ‘we don’t want Kent Hovind talking about Jury Nullification’ (EDITORS NOTE: Jury Nullification is a constitutional right).

If the Prosecutors, Pamela C. Marsh and Tiffany Eggers, have such a good case and we have been told you all spent over $300,000 - then you shouldn’t mind Kent Hovind talking about Jury Nullification.
They don’t want Kent Hovind talking about the penalties associated with their so called ‘mail fraud, or the lis pendens’, because if the jury hears that Kent Hovind might get 20-years, the jury might think it is too harsh.

Pamela C. Marsh and Tiffany Eggers also do not want Kent Hovind to speak about where Judge Rodgers was caught deleting her ‘worse than rape‘ comment from court transcripts. They don’t want Kent Hovind bringing up the fact that a false accuser whom was rewarded 10% of whatever the IRS seized from the Church and that sexual deviants and an IRS pedophile were the ones that put unjustly put Kent Hovind in prison.”

EDITORS NOTE: They won’t even let Kent Hovind show letters from a professional CPA, Attorney and IRS Certified Tax Preparer, that absolved Kent Hovind of any wrong-doing.

“They also do not want Kent Hovind talking about how the IRS admits they abuse structuring laws - targeting innocent Americans (EDITORS NOTE: Also, Politico and Congress are demanding the IRS change the law/abolish it).

We have an embargo on main stream press and even the hero of conspiracy theories, Alex Jones don’t want to touch him…

Kent Hovind spent 2-days in solitary, he slept on a mat in an overcrowded cell that was quarantined for scabies. He can’t even have Christian company because people are fighting around him all the time. He has to kneel down on one knee to speak with us over the phone because they only have one chair for the three phones…

I will have Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers, Pamela C. Marsh and Tiffany Eggers - you are five satanic jezebels of the highest degree…



law, kent hovind, news, christians, politics

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