Original Article Rough Translation:
Yamapi was in Korea for a private and short trip with his friend(Shirota Jun) and manager(first guy in the video) Hours before his departure from Gimpo Airport, the news was leaked all over the internet and more then 1000 fans showed up. According to news, the airport didn't have enough security and Yamapi got mobbed by fans. He got his shirt torn and someone threw a gift at him and it hit his head.
EDIT: added by quin_tessen_ce: The article says apparently the Jimusho said that his hair was pulled out and he got some injuries on his body... But YamaPi keeps saying it's alright, but he was shocked. Apparently everyone[Security?] started to swear at the fans, Yamapi didn't. And even through the hectic chaos he tried to show his professionalism, by waving at some of the fans and even helping a fan who fell down to get up.(if you look at the bottom 3 caps he's pulling on someone, I wonder if it's the fan who he helped to get up. awww, that's so sweet of him)
Korean netizens are expressing their apologies and saying how disappointed & embarrassed they are with the fans' behaviors and they are aware that things crossed the line yesterday.
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