Rules, Deadlines and Signups

Mar 13, 2009 16:59

Challenge Rules/Guidelines

1. Central storyline must be based on NEWS members, cross-pairings and other JE artists are allowed but as minor characters. Meaning occasional drunk appearances by Jin are allowed but multiple paragraphs of Kame and Ryo getting it on, not. Unless of course it leads to multiple paragraphs of Ryo and Shige getting it on, then it's hot ;D

2. Submitted fic must be a minimum of 10,000 words, there is no maximum length set for this challenge. Yes, you read correctly, that's 10k, and if it were cash you'd be rich. But it's a just word count and yes we're looking for people with a tendency to be M.

3. Fic may be slash, gen or het. AUs are allowed. To ease the pain of writing a 10k fic, you're allowed to trick ask a friend to write with you. Mathematically speaking : 5k + 5k = 10k. And basically we don't care if Massu and Koyama are shacking up on Mars, as long as they're a) shacking up and b) it's 10k worth of shacking.

4. Stories must be beta'd before being submitted. It'd be less annoying if you had your own beta, but if you don't, we'll have some kind souls willing to read 10,000 words of NEWS (meaning anyone on our f-lists that aren't participating).

5. This is a free-write 10k challenge, so once again I reiterate, we don't care if you write a story about caveman!Ryo oogling and bonking his thing at Shige (and by thing, I do mean his thing, see sponsors below). Just make sure it's long enough. His thing and your thing.

6. Stories will be posted anonymously by the mods here at NEWSbigbang according to some schedule we haven't given thought to yet. Once the reveals are up, you can all make glorified posts on your LJ stating, "I wrote 10,000 words of pure ________ " <-- insert your own adjective. Or you can just eat a pint of Ben&Jerry's while watching dbsk videos. I'll be doing the latter.

7. Most importantly, have fun. By signing up.


Signup by April 1.

Submit either a rough draft of your fic or just email us by July 1 as a re-confirmation that you're still participating. This is our tactful way of saying, "Dude, way to slack off cos you've now got two months to write 10k". Don't worry though, you'll have plenty of company, me included.

D-day is September 1. All completed fics must be sent in by then to If you're anal about the timing or simply rushing to finish last minute, this means 12 midnight Eastern time on the 1st. I live in NYC and therefore all you Asia dwellers get an extra twelve hrs. For those bordering on OCD, go here.

And for all those who aren't participating but are eagerly, or not so eagerly cos it's five months away, anticipating 10k worth of Koyama and Pi's private rehearsals of Ginza Rhapsody, fics should be posted about a week after D-day on September 8. Depending on the amounts of signups and amount of fics actually completed, fics will either be posted weekly or biweekly. Fixed schedule will come never, August.

Also, we're elite and kick ass, which means that membership is locked and closed. If you're a participant in the challenge we'll send you an invite or not, really it depends on if we like you or not. Voyeurism is in, so watch instead.

If you find yourself in need of an extension as D-day nears, tough luck. I might or might not be kidding, but if you're desperate, email us and try. You'll probably get a few days, unless for some reason we hate you (would also like to mention that bribes are more than welcomed). And if you wake up one sunny day in July and find yourself thinking, "ho shit, I could be doing much more productive stuff like watching dbsk videos eating ice cream," go ahead and quit. It's not like we're going to dedicate an entry to your name + animated dancing chicken.

Sign-ups now closed

And now an encouraging word from our sponsors.

Not exaggerating, participating would make Ryo's Ryo-chan this happy.
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