Mudai no Tou

Jan 16, 2009 20:17

It's finished! *triumphant cackling*

Mudai no Tou
The Nameless Tower

ima wa / garasu goshi no / areta sekai o ou
今わ / ガラス越しの / あれた世界お生う
Death's hour / Crossing over glass / The world's vision frays

ima wa / yomanu hon no ma de / karenu oshibana / chiru
今わ / よまぬ本のまで / 枯れぬ押し花 / 散る
Death's hour / The book sits unread / Pressed flowers never age / Scattering [1]

kasamu / kusuburu jijo^ wa / asatsuyu no ya
嵩む / 燻ぶる自浄わ / 朝露のや
Piling up / Smoldering ashes of my purified self / And the morning dew

ima wa / mada chigyo no mure / oyogi dashita bakari
嵩む / 未だ稚魚の群れ / 泳ぎ だした許り
Death's hour / Even still, little fish crowd together / Swimming out of the water [2]

ima wa / kiyasume no hane / sora mo nashi ni hiroge
嵩む / 気休めの羽子 / 空も無しにひろげ
Death's hour / A soothing feather's touch / And a living sky opens up

arai / tanjun na kotae sake / saigo ni mata deau
洗い / 単純な答お酒 / 最後に又出合う
Cleansing / Liquor's simple answer / And a chance final meeting [3]

toki ni hohoemu / bokura wa / gyo^retsu ni natte
時に 微笑む / 僕らわ / 行列になって
It's time to smile / We are / Reaching the center

sube mo nidatase kuzuseba / katachi wa kiete
術もにだたせくずせば / 形わ きえて
A way of destruction / Is taking shape

tada yo ga fuke / kotae goto nurete yume
只よが老け / 答毎濡れ手夢
It's only aging / The answer is a dream in every damp hand

toki ni kanashimu bokura wa / door o shimekitte
時に哀しむ僕らわ / DOORおしめきって
We can grieve now / The door has closed

yasashii kotoba de / subete o / hakushi ni sarete
優しい言葉で / 凡てお / 拍子にされて
Gentle words / Complete / The rhythm carries [4]

hisoka ni yorokobu
A secret delight

toki ni igami au bokura wa / yowai teki ni yotte
時に歪み遭う僕らわ / 弱い楽天的に縁って
We were strained then / Our hope was frail [5]

taai nai syo^ri de / nando mo te o toriau uchi
他愛無い勝利で / 難度もてお取り合う裡
A meaningless victory / It's so hard to hold that hand close [6]

nayami to / akubi suru
難度と / 欠伸為る
Troubles accompany / A sleepy sigh


Oh, notes. Full only posted the romaji, so I had to do backwards insertion again, and I don't think it's ever been so tricky; there were multiple words with several different character-dependent meanings, and without the lyrics sheet I had to guess.

[1] Yomanu is a headache of a word. Best as I can find, its root form is yomi, or night. All the translation examples I found referred to unread/unfinished. Um. 'Kay.
[2] I have a brain-block about the "oyogi dashita bakari" bit. He might be singing about the fish swimming out of the water, or, since death's the prevalent theme in this song it could be a metaphor, wherein the fish are the souls and the water is the living world the soul leaves. Or, more likely, I just don't get this one. At all. :)
[3] Afraid "sake" might not mean the alcohol, but didn't find anything else that seemed to fit.
[4] Yasashii, with different kanji, can mean "simple", so depending on characters used, this could be "plain speaking", too. Further, "hakushi" can also mean "white/blank paper" (lit., and like a report), musical rhythm, and being weak-willed. Full-san likes to play with words!
[5] So. Many. Possible. Kanji. ACK. Not sure about this one at all.
[6] The more literal version of the second half of this is that it's hard to clasp the hand inside, but this made more sense.

format:inserted kanji, format:j/r/e, album:fickle boon, version:beta, translation, era:guniw tools

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