Dear NEWS,
Happy NEWS year!!! Congratulations on the KAGUYA release, and the announcement of the tour!! The songs on KAGUYA sound great, you're definitely pushing at those boundaries and conquering them. I'm always so impressed with everything you do, especially after you came back as 4. The current NEWS is the best NEWS. The relationship between NEWS and the Chankapaanas has never been stronger, and that makes me so happy. I've been a fan since 2005, and I can honestly say, all the pain and waiting has been worth it. Everything you give us is exactly what I dreamed of, everything you do exceeds my expectations, and every time NEWS does something, I find myself tearing up with joy. I find myself thankful to Yamapi and Ryo-chan, as well as Kusano and Uchi for having been in NEWS. Without them, the current NEWS wouldn’t exist. The tour announcement was honestly the best Christmas present, since I had to cancel my trip in 2013 and missed the 10th anniversary concert, and there wasn't a tour in 2014. I'm already planning for my trip to Japan in 2015 and hopefully I'll be able to make it to at least one of the shows in the tour.
Kei-chan: Thank you for all that you do, dear leader. My lovely sweets otoko, my tennen prince, and the person who loves NEWS the most in the entire world. Within the first week of 2015 we've watched you cry on TV twice, and that just goes to show how genuine you are about your work and about NEWS. Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for loving NEWS as much as you do. Thank you for loving the fans. Thank you for always keeping us in your mind. Thank you for bringing us the best NEWS. Thank you for existing. All those nights you cried with Shige are not for nothing! We cried with you and we waited, and we got the best that could ever happen. Seeing NEWS on stage in the concert DVDs, on TV shows, seeing NEWS CDs in stores - this is all proof that NEWS still exists. And that makes me happier than anything. I'm glad to hear you recovered from the flu and are back at full swing! I hope you ate a lot of eclairs. I'll continue to watch your efforts in 2015 on news every and on various TV shows, leading the way for NEWS, please do your best! I love you, Koyajiro!
Tegonyan: Our favorite ero ouji, thank you for showing all your faces to us koneko-chans. You've really grown a lot as an entertainer, and as a person, since you were a regular on ItteQ, and you've grown even more since being involved with soccer in the media. It's very refreshing to see Tegoshi being scared of insects and pranking the other members outside of performances and concerts, since Tegoshi's usually in super idol mode!! I am always in awe at how far you can take that voice of yours and make the songs something truly incredible. Your vibrato is one of the best things, and your vocal range always impresses me. Tegoshi is made up of so many things, singing, leopard print, soccer, futsal, ItteQ, pranks, and so on… I think it’s great that you have discovered so much of yourself and will never be bored. Continue to be who you are while exploring some sides of you that you probably did not know existed through your work with ItteQ and soccer. Please do your best this year as NEWS's center forward as well as Tegomass, POPOPO!!!
Massu: We've learned a lot about Massu throughout the years, haven't we. There wasn't really a lot about Massu revealed to the fans in the early years, other than the fact that you eat a lot and wear unique clothes. Now we know that you're quite literally our sun, that you do actually have a passion for fashion, as well as race cars. But we'll never forget how you proclaimed "I am Xiao Long Bao!!!" at the Taiwan concert during the Pacific tour, how much you talked about gyoza back then, or how your hairstyle never changed until Chankapaana. When I saw the concert outfits in the 10th anniversary concert, I really wanted to personally thank the designer and let them know how much I appreciated every detail. Now that I know you designed, them, THANK YOU!! Massu's fashion sense is great, after all, and I love that you can make them specifically to each member. Keep doing what you do, and never change. (I always look forward to your comments with trivia information, even if the other members don't!!) Please continue giving us all your smiles and let your gentle voice reach each and every one of us. Please do your best this year with NEWS and Tegomass, our adorable hare otoko!
Shige: I think over these years, you have probably changed the most. Shige in 2005 was shy and held back a lot, and wasn't very confident. Shige in 2007 tried very hard to be cool but always got made fun of. But Shige in 2014 was amazing. As an idol and a novelist, I think you're a very successful person, and our favorite intellectual to balance out the super airhead leader we have. Right now we have the best Shige, and he will only get better. Every time you say "I don't think I'm cool" or "I don't think I can be cute", my heart breaks a little. Believe in yourself! Love yourself! You have this many fans that love you, through your music, your books, your intelligence! I'm so happy to see a confident Shige. The "kuchizukewo~" pose now is very different from the one in the Pacific concert, because now Shige does it with confidence. He does it because he knows the fans will be happy to see it. I want to see that side of Shige more. As always, thank you for making sure our leader somehow stays alive, even though he broke his computer the day after you set it up for him once. Thank you for showing us more and more of yourself, and thank you for sharing your world with us through your writing and photography.
It's so hard to believe that an idol group can harbor this many emotions inside of me, but this is happening. NEWS is the best thing in my life (along with my 3 cats, one of which I’ve named Nyantaro as a combination of Nyanta and Keiichiro), and I will follow NEWS to the end of my days. Thank you so much, NEWS.