
Sep 06, 2007 19:12

I'm addressing this to any member of the student body who has some authority or influence. I'd appreciate it if what's mentioned here does not leave these pages.

Some of you have voiced suspicions already, and I am warning you to be very, very careful of Umbridge, and tell your housemates who you think will likely earn her interest in the wrong way to do the same.

The reason why none of the old Defence Against the Dark Arts textbooks, along with many of other books which focus on the subject, have been available in the library is that she's ordered for them all to be confiscated, saying that she wants to teach the subject correctly and doesn't want "any outside corruption" from "inaccurate and unsavoury" sources. I overheard two of the professors discussing this in the hallway and now I'm worried, because I asked Pince what happened to them earlier and if she's in cahoots with Umbridge, then I may have brought some trouble upon myself, so that's how I know this is the case.

If she is going about confiscating library books of any DADA material that isn't Ministry-approved, I doubt she'll be overly thrilled to learn that several of us have owled home to older siblings or asked old friends for previous DADA texts. If you must use them, at least charm the cover so that it's different, and be very careful about who you lend them to and let know that you have them. In fact, you might want to ask whoever's owling them to you to do that before they get here.

I similarly doubt that our DADA tutorials will have a much longer lifespan, as that would be classed as receiving instruction from outside sources who might actually - gasp! - teach students something useful about the subject! If that does happen, which seems likely, I'll redistribute tutors to helping with Charms and Transfiguration and other wandwork-intensive classes, as we could do with an extra pair of eyes when ITs first years and Wingardium Leviosa are combined.

Again, please tread very carefully around her. I believe she is in Hogwarts to do more than see to it that the DADA curriculum is refined and Ministry-approved. It has come to my attention that she has been telling everyone that Cedric wasn't killed. WELL, HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE THEN? DID HE JUST FALL DOWN DEAD OF HIS OWN FREE WILL? DO YOU THINK HE WANTED TO LEAVE US BEHIND? telling students to report anyone whose account of the Third Task oh Cedric events agrees with Dumbledore's to her. She has also been attempting to brainwash sharing her version of last year's murder death happening with her classes, which contradicts Dumbledore's in every possible way.

Do not disagree with her openly, however. Harry Potter got a detention for doing so.

Finally, I've heard from students who work at the Ministry that Umbridge is Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. That's quite a high position for someone to be demoted to in order to take a very unpopular staff opening, don't you think? I admit that I don't have hard and fast facts of this, but this - and particularly her speech at the welcome feast and how she already seems to have a lot of say with the staff - confirms my suspicions that she is here to do more than create a curriculum and teach a class. Anyway, she isn't all that great of a teacher from what I've heard.

Agree or disagree. Whatever. But it wouldn't have felt right for me to have these suspicions and not share them with you.
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