a guy calls me and asks me to hang out...cute, has his own place......He doesn't talk much so I take it as he's def not diggin on me....If he was nervous...why? He definitely wasn't though.
As the days go on so do the i "if I had a to-do-over-agains." Would each day be better if I did go back and do things differently? I feel like there is so much out there I have yet to see, touch, and feel. I just want someone to open my eyes and shift my perspectives; a saving grace.
If you try too hard to impress people then life is not worth living. It finally clicked when I see the true colors of everyone around me. I liked seeing it, cause in turn, I realized that being me is something so much better.
I had the biggest meltdown today. If anyone else sees them I'm weak. I can't breathe and I want to leave but don't want to go anywhere at the same time. Just let it be over soon.
Oh my god. The colbert report was AMAZING, He is such a chill guy out of character. During Q&A I asked him which one of the Golden Girls he would have sex with...he answered blanche. and then proceeded to tell a story. All in all...ohhh amazing! SO WORTH IT!