politics and comedy--they're so often the same

May 01, 2011 21:49

I generally don't post about politics, or even follow politics too closely--to delve as deeply into most issues as I'd need to in order to feel Knowledgeable would require sterner stuff (and longer fuses) than I am made of in many areas ( Read more... )

family, amusing, movies

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Comments 7

eastfarthing May 2 2011, 03:48:27 UTC
HILLARIOUS!!! Thanks for posting that!

Btw, did you know that there's an open mic night happening at WashU this Thursday? I'm going to participate. Can you come? Huh, huh, can you?!? PLEEEEEEAAAAASEEE?!?


newtypeshadow May 2 2011, 03:51:25 UTC
SO TRUE! ^___^

I just dug up the email and put it on my calendar. JUST FOR YOU! ^_^

Write with me afterward? *hopes yes*


that_damn_imp May 2 2011, 23:58:52 UTC
This was a riot!


newtypeshadow May 4 2011, 20:43:33 UTC
*cackles* ^__^


nosferatu_blue May 5 2011, 04:21:07 UTC
Being able to laugh at oneself is so important, and Obama can do this so well. Damn, that little jibe at Fox News at the end was awesome.

Thanks for sharing this. I needed a laugh, and I'm so behind in my flist OTL


newtypeshadow May 7 2011, 00:14:50 UTC
I agree, on all counts.

*snugs* No worries about being behind--I am too. >_> KEEP BEING AWESOME! <3


nosferatu_blue May 7 2011, 02:42:56 UTC
Only if YOU continue being awesome, too!! ♥ ♥


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