Player Name: Saffy
Player LJ:
preseaEmail and/or AIM: namine[at]feathery[dot]org ; AIM: inherits the sun
Timezone: PST
Other Characters: Axel (
smolderingdark), Emil (
pactum), Ikki (
Character: Sirkka
Series/Fandom: Freakangels (
Deviance: 1
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Canon Used: The comic, which so far is the only medium it's in.
Appearance: Her name is vaguely Russian, and while Miki and Caz have a recognizable nationality, Sirkka does not. She has full lips, large eyes, and a long face, a mix that seems awkwardly thrown together but still comes out beautiful. Sirkka is pretty tall, and while not exceptionally curvy, she's still gorgeous and very clean. Considering that she lives in post-apocalyptic London, not looking anorexic is a feat. She is pale-skinned and bright violet-eyed like the rest of the Freakangels, but to set her apart, she has long, luxurious purple hair that falls to her waist. She prefers to wear things in shades of purple, white, or black, sometimes with the Freakangels logo on it; her favorite things are a skirt and low cut blouse with a wrap for her shoulders.
When she uses her powers, her eyes glow with a pale violet light.
This is Sirkka. We first meet her in what seems to be a huge bedroom surrounded by a dozen naked people. Great first impression. She has tendencies of a big lazy cat. She sleeps in late, complains when she has to get up early, likes to live vicariously through Jack's vices, and she asks favors of her darlings when she's too lazy to get up. Her comfort zone is a very big one, and she likes to spread that love around. If she can't appeal to someone right away, she takes an even gentler approach, becoming something like a mother. She is arguably the most mature of all the Freakangels, though she has some naive tendencies that will be explored later on.
Sirkka's greatest ability as a person, not just a Freakangel, is love. And with it comes forgiveness. Though she doesn't approve of Mark, she didn't support killing him. She sees killing as a last resort, but she can be ruthless in defending her home as well. She doesn't need weapons to do it unless it's an invasion on a massive scale, so she's never seen holding a knife or using a handgun. She's basically turned the survivors of the apocalypse into normal, functioning people, despite whatever pasts they might have had. It is important to note that while she has at least fifteen or twenty five people living in her house of healing, she sees dozens more every day for therapy.
Sirkka is also surrounded by sex, it seems. Or at least, she likes it. With Jack especially. However, he doesn't approve of such an open relationship. It's only barely touched upon what happens in her house of healing, but what's hinted is enough. Sirkka teaches her most trusted students in the art of defending their home, but also in openness, love, and a new way of life. Handcuffs may or may not always be involved. The emphasis is on trust, and intimacy is just one way of learning it.
Jack doesn't agree, though. He loves Sirkka and only her, and he is fiercely jealous of the time she spends with other people-- even the ones she helps with normal therapy. He also has no problems killing people. They differ on these points and a few more, and thus he spends a lot of time on his boat away from her and everyone. Sirkka asks him to come back when he can and clears out the place for these occasions so that they can have time together. This is a noble gesture of compromise, but it doesn't solve the problem, and they both know it. Sirkka continues to hope they can resolve their differences, though.
Sirkka is not some naive little flower. She's not a prude (and quite possibly never has been), and jokes about the things she does with her "darlings" without any sort of remorse. Her sense of humor is not bitey, but lighthearted, and only occasionally sarcastic. She finds joy in the little things in life that the old, busy world took for granted, and she prefers to surround herself with things that inspire relaxation. Wherever she lives, she puts her own spin on everything, adapting it to her sense of style.
There is a darker side of Sirkka as well. When it comes to defending her home, her family, and Jack especially, she can be just as ruthless as he is. She has never taken a gun to anyone's head, but she has hurt Luke deliberately to make him stop committing rape. She has manipulated Luke to an extent to get him to admit that something happened with Arkady when he "pushed" his ex girlfriend into sleeping with him. Sirkka also killed dozens of armed people who were riding on rafts to invade Whitechapel, mowing them down with her gatling gun without so much as a tear of remorse. She is in denial about this and the fact that Jack kills people too; he keeps guns hidden in her house and she knows and despises it, but she refuses to let him stay anywhere else when he comes back to the mainland.
When Sirkka gets very angry, she lowers her voice and speaks in a dry, dead tone. It takes a lot to push her to the edge, though, and even when she's angry she keeps a level head and doesn't strike out against people who don't deserve it.
Sirkka is overall a very level-headed person, bright and loving and secretly a little naive. With one foot in the dream world and one foot on the earth, she is a mysterious walker of dreams and things taboo who can easily shift into something more practical when needed. She prefers to live in her own world, though, just as Jack has his.
Other Skills/Abilities: The Freakangel kids have a variety of abilities they can all use, which they call the "Freakangels package". The more minds focused in, the stronger they become, regardless of the enemy's physical or mental prowess; it only took four of them to knock Mark out despite Mark's exceptional gifts with the "package".
They can speak telepathically with anyone, as well as block people out using a "static line" that allows the FAs to speak to each other aloud without anyone else listening in. Also, any Freakangel can delve into an average human mind and read memories, though it takes more power to sense something that isn't floating to the top. They can push out the influence of another Freakangel (as Connor did with Alice when she was possessed by Mark) in a process called "dumping", which usually causes unconsciousness and for the person to puke. Ew. When two or more FAs focus, they can explode the ground beneath a person or ... explode a person completely. Or a few people. Joining hands seems to be the most beneficient, though. This way, they can repair a busted building with simply a minute of concentration, or create a large, impenetrable bubble-shield. The FAs can also make shields on their own.
Each Freakangel has their own specialty, however, and Sirkka's is emotion. She can sense whenever someone uses a psychic power, especially to influence or "push" another mind. She describes them as "flashes" and seems to be able to tell what the nature of the power is, so she monitors Luke as he enjoys flaunting his powers. Sirkka also has the power of intuition, knowing instinctively before anyone else when Jack is caught in combat while on his boat despite his inability to call out to the other Freakangels for help.
While Miki is the physical doctor, Sirkka takes the role of emotional doctor. She has worked with rape victims in order to change their memories and undo the harm to their bodies (she calls this muscle memory) so it's as if the rape never happened. It's unclear if she has any healing beyond that.
There is a dark side to these powers as well, which all FAs are capable of swinging to, but only do so in times of dire need, or never at all:
-- influencing another person's mind (to make them drop a weapon)
-- turning an object or a person into ribbons
-- controlling someone to make them a drone (Mark had like 500 of them)
-- knocking someone out (took a few FAs to do this to Mark)
Some of the other Freakangels have displayed their own powers, which Sirkka may or may not learn how to do.
-- shielding oneself from psychic "sight" (Sirkka HATES this)
-- teleporting
-- future sight
Other Weaknesses: Aside from the creepy psychic powers, Sirkka bleeds just like any other person. However, there seems to be a "thing" about Freakangels dying. Mark was supposedly dead and came back, Arkady drowned and woke up all of a sudden and could teleport other people without touching them, and Luke took a bullet or two to the head and walked right into Miki's clinic an hour afterward. Clearly something unusual is going on here. My theory, based on Arkady's and Mark's seeming strength after coming back from the "dead", is that every time a Freakangel dies, they are reborn with stronger powers. Arkady says that she may have been able to do these things all along, but she isn't sure.
Whatever the case, each Freakangel is extremely powerful in their own right, and it will take quite a bit of work to get past shields, barriers, and runningthefuckaway.
23 years ago, twelve strange children were born in England at the exact same moment.
6 years ago, the world ended.
This is the story of what happened next.
For most of their lives, the Freakangels have stuck together. They went through school much as normal kids with the side effect of freakish powers. They had families, they had drama, but they didn't have any siblings but themselves. Sirkka and Jack clung together more than anyone else. He had trouble with his father, and Sirkka comforted him when she could. They fell in love quickly and their relationship was full of passion, as were their daily arguments, the likes of which were known the world over.
Around the age of fourteen, things started to go bad, and by the time they hit seventeen the whole world seemed to be after them. When they weren't escaping capture, they were being bombed from above by the government. What was the turning point isn't clear, but one last stand was all it took; Arkady, despite being something of an "acid casualty", had been playing with her powers and suggested that they explode the enemy forces. So all twelve of them joined hands and focused, though on what, they weren't sure. Mark was the de facto leader of the crew, a real visionary and a genius, and he gave their channeled powers a little push.
There was a moment of white serenity.
And then there was nothing.
The Freakangels awoke to find their world flooded like something out of Genesis. There was rioting, looting, killing, pillaging, people dying everywhere. It was all they could do to find a place to live and stay and rebuild, but they managed; thus, they spent the latter part of their adolescences learning how to adapt in a world they had destroyed. They settled in Whitechapel, London. However, it became clear that Mark didn't share the same sort of vision.
They discovered that Mark was amassing an army of drones. Dozens of people in the town were under his control, mindless drones, and he wanted to use them as instruments of revenge. The FAs called a tribal council and rather than killing him, decided to banish Mark forever from Whitechapel.
Kirk and Karl were not so keen on letting him go alive, though. They followed him in secret and killed him, left his body in a river, waited until they heard his brain die. And then they went to resume something of a normal life.
Karl took to growing them all food, Sirkka took to rounding up the survivors and speaking to them, and the other Freakangels found their own various niches. Jack found a boat and went out salvaging (as well as escaping the world) though he kept in touch with Sirkka fairly often.
Everything was fairly regular until Alice came. Alice was different. She was one of Mark's newest little puppets, crazed with revenge over the loss of her brothers to him, and wanting revenge on his own "family". Mark, in his arrogance, told her where to find them-- and then sent her off with a little "impulsion" to kill them all. However, Connor caught her and they purged her, then accepted her into their little community and put her to work. She became an honorary Freakangel after fighting valiantly against more of Mark's nice little invasions and saving their hides.
When they went to find the source of a mortar attack on their home, the Freakangels discovered a camp of about a hundred diseased, dilapidated refugees. With Miki's convincing, they decided to start over in Whitechapel-- not just providing for themselves, but working together to build a real sustainable place to live. Supplies were running short, however, and Luke seemed less and less like a Freakangel and more of a bastard, using his powers recklessly to dominate people he believed inferior.
Canon Point: Canon point is a week (in world) after the comic begins: episode 49, before Luke rapes a girl and everything goes to hell.
Reality Description: Sirkka comes from a time not unlike our own. While it's not specified what year the world "ended", the pop culture references are 2001 or sooner (all your base!), and Karl yells that the rest of the Freakangels were "raised by the fucking television". For the sake of continuity, I'll be saying the world ended in 2007, since I doubt Obama would have approved of firing missiles at children.
So, the year is 2013, rather unlucky sounding really. All the world is flooded or isolated, and there isn't much past London. No radio contact, a lot of sailboats. KK has worked some miracles with steam that allow her to fly on a helicopterbikething, and Caz has a water purification system as well as a solar powered generator up. Whitechapel people have wind up radios. If it can be salvaged and tinkered with, it's probably acceptable. Aside from the Freakangels, there is no magic or strangeness of any kind. If there are other Freakangels out there, no one knows. There might not even be an America anymore.
Whitechapel itself is a town surrounded by water. It's mostly two and three story buildings, kind of run-down but not to the point of being irreparable. For one thing, they have power. For another, they have clean water that's delivered to the people by truck every day. They also have chickens, a clinic, a one-woman superpowered security force, and a town market.
Important NPCs include all of the Freakangels, of course. KK is the steam sex and rock 'n' roll queen, Connor is the recorder and sort of the quiet leader man, Jack is, of course, Sirkka's lover and the salvaging expert, Caz is an engineering genius, Miki is the town doctor, Kait is a Quincy cop wannabe, Karl feeds the town, Kirk watches over everyone, Arkady is sort of half adopted by Sirkka and half adopted by the world, and Luke is a bastard who only gives a damn about himself because he's smart. Mark is of course out there somewhere, terrorizing London from the ground up and using his diplomatic skills to piss people off against the prosperous Whitechapel.
Non-Freakangels include Alice, the New Girl and someone Sirkka approves of... so far. And then there are Sirkka's people, the ones who live in her communal house of healing. None of them are named, but they all are trained in case of an emergency in the usage of a giant gatling gun poised on the roof of Sirkka's place. She has also loaned them to Kait as a temporary police force. In short, they'll do anything Sirkka asks, though her power over them is nothing that screws with free will.