This isn't good

Aug 14, 2004 08:10

I'm not happy again. Surprise surprise. Not that nobody didn't expect it. And guess what. My journal. My thoughts. I would like, no, more like, I am really wanting friends. I have aquantances, but I want friends. Not that I'm easy to be friends with. But still, it would be nice. People that actually want to carry on a conversation. There hasn't been anyone who wants to talk to me in forever. Like, an actual conversation that last more than 5 minutes. I may seem stupid, but I'm actually not. I am capable of talking, if you give me a chance. It would be nice to have friends that want to hang out with me because of me, not because of my best friend. Jesus Christ, could you at least greet me before inquiring about her whereabouts? And its not her fault. She's just easier to, I don't know, be whatever. And I do admit. I am jealous. But you want what you don't have. I guess I just want out of the shadow. And its not anyone's fault but mine. But that doesn't mean that it still doesn't bother me. I'm incredibly lonely in all possible ways. I would like people to hang out with and that want to hang out with me. And yes I know this is just me feeling sorry for myself. But fuck you. Public forum. I don't know why it bothers me so much. It shouldn't. Its really dumb. This is, no, I'm sorry. I quit.

This was pointless.
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