Title: One-week notice: Being an account of how James Sirius Potter had to work during the holidays
epithalamiumPrompt Number: 3
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/characters: Teddy/James II
Warnings/content: Highlight to read *Language, unreadable handwriting, James's mistaken foray into cartooning.*
Medium: Sakura brush pen, markers, sticky notes, Moleskine journal knockoff.
Summary: James has to mind the bookshop during the holidays. And then Naked Lunch happens.
Notes: This follows the prompt so vaguely you have to wonder if it even tried. Hipster level approaches an all-time high (even for me): make sure you read this in the nearest Starbucks with a latte on hand. On the other hand, I did manage to resist temptation to use instagram filtres on these, so there are still things to be thankful for.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. All works posted at this community were created entirely for fun without making any profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
One-week notice: Being an account of how James Sirius Potter had to work during the holidays on
DW*mod note, this art views better on DW's layout