Merlin fic: Excitement

May 30, 2012 09:43

Author: Neyah
Title: Excitement
Rating: NC-17
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Arthur dreams about Merlin in a different way this time.
Warning: explicit slash
Word count: 100
Author’s notes:  Written for 15 Minute Drabbles prompt: Length


Arthur could have sworn he could still feel Merlin’s length driving into him to the hilt, finding the spot on its way that made him mad with pleasure. It had happened just a moment before consciousness had returned to him, and had left him with a painful yearning for more. He had never expected that the thought of being on the receiving end would excite him so much, but his dreams told him that anything concerning his manservant could be thrilling. His fingers gripped his own dripping hardness and he continued his dream about lean, delicate fingers replacing his own.

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merlin, slash, fic, arthur, fanfic, drabble, 15minutedrabbles, merthur

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