Author: Neyah
Title: No remedy to cure all sins
Rating: G
Character/s: Gaius, Kilgharrah (mentioned)
Summary: Kilgharrah's comment hits home. Probably a little too hard.
Warnings: unbeta'd
Word Count: 100
No remedy to cure all sins
Kilgharrah’s snide remark haunted him. ’Turn a blind eye. That is, after all, your talent.’ It was low, but true to the last word. He had denied his kin, renounced his gifts. All for a man whose hatred and bitterness had grown stronger by the day. He thought he knew where his loyalties lay but he wasn’t so sure anymore. After all these long years his conscience had been screaming at him, and still, after all he’d done, he could not sacrifice his King. For Merlin, he should have been able to, without a moments hesitation. This cannot end well.