Originally posted in my journal while watching.
Thoughts on Episode 2: Road Kill
Safe guess, this is an adaption of the s2 episode "Road Kill," right? Been a loooong time since I watched it.
Yup, definitely. I won't really be able to compare cause I have only seen "Road Kill" once. Maybe a good thing.
The animation and fonts make me happy. The rack focus from the broken window to Molly. It's beautiful.
Sam has a bad feeling again?
Learn to drive, Dean!
Aw, Sammy the good cop.
They are doing a pretty good job of revealing things slowely without giving them a backstory episode.
Dean, you moron! Why are you being a moron?
Heh, the script is a little better. Natural convos I'm used to and remember from s2. But I think Jared is a better actor than Andrew Farrar. Who is mostly great. I'm mostly caught up in the performance and not "Baw, that's not Jensen" like I was worried I'd be. And when Farrar is awkward I would blame the script.
In profile Dean isn't so ugly.
Aw, Sam cares about ghosts.
Jared is doing those little grunts and breathy things well. From seeing beginners I know it can be tricky. The show does him favors by having some of the dialogue taking place off-screen (shots of clouds and stuff when he's talking) so he doesn't have to flap match constantly. But when he is flap matching, he's just fine at it. Good for him, especially since I don't believe he has done voice work before? Nice to jump right into the kind of voice work where you have to flap match too!
Sure are a lot of vengeful spirits around. And Dean continues to be a loser, hahaha. I don't mean that in an OOC way ;)
Oh, beautiful how they thought to animate his breath. How can the designs be so ugly sometimes and so gorgeous other times?
"Sonofa-" = HEE!!! <3
I'm pleased with Jared's voice acting. You hear warmth. Sometimes his hair looks like Spike Speigal's, but after what they did to Dean it's small fries.
OH GOD THAT HORRIBLE COVER AGAIN. And Farrar is awkward again. Though, hee "I burned them" hee. I need an icon of the credits art!
Why is there another scene after the credits? That's just confusing? Wait, "Brotherhood" does that too! And it's confusing!
Already setting up stuff that happens at the end of s2.
Wow, this scene is the best thing from this anime so far. Brotherly interaction and Magical Puppeh Vision!
This was much better than the previous episode. A really really good abbreviation of "Road Kill" and a good stand alone little anime ghost story. If people were thinking of checking this out, fans of the show or not, I would say start with THIS episode, not the first one.
So far this is not a good introduction to the series, though it may be a pretty good introduction to anime. I'm enjoying it much much more than I thought I would. Yes, Dean is fug, but I'm getting used to it. The score is great, the animation is great, many of the designs are beautiful, the voice acting is solid, and the script is better.