Supernatural Anime episode 3: "Home"

Aug 04, 2011 03:11

Originally posted in my journal while watching.


This is the one I've been looking forward to since I saw the episode list.

Thoughts on Episode 3: Home
Baaaaaw family photo!

Please tell me Sam isn't going to announce how he is having a bad feeling about something at the beginning of every episode.

Haha love the shot of them staring at each other in profile. Need icon.

"I used to think there were things in my closet too" :(

Dean, just trust Sam. It will save time.

So Sam is 20 in this? Why take two years off?

Oh hello thar, backstory. Awww lil' Dean actually SEES MARY OMG!!! GOD! :( Anime: Torture Little Children.

Oh hay, Missouri. And she' a voodoo person?

Mostly this is just a re-telling of "Home."

OMG THE BABY!!!! WTF How is the ANIME more horrific than the live-action show?!?!

John, pick up your fucking phone. You're upsetting Dean. He said the non-lesbians L word and everything!

Oh hay, symmetry.

Ghost!Mary, stop scaring people!


Sam is taking this well. I guess cause she's kind of a stranger to him. Dean's freaking out nicely, though.

It is not as BAM WOW as the original episode because it has to be shorter, but it's still beautiful. I wish Mary didn't sound like some kind of saint. Her voice actress isn't impressing me. Apparently Mary failed alchemy, cause her limbs are vanishing. Show did it better. But man, poor Dean. And Sam's like "Oh wait, yeah, I'm supposed to be sad." That's how the animation looks, I mean, haha.


Hee, license plate.

John, you douche. And why do you look so scruffy and weird?

And the godawful cover music.

Aaaand the final scene.

I need to watch the original episode again. WHERE DID MARY'S SOUL GO?

Not as good as "Road Kill," but again, much better than "The Alter Ego." The guest cast's acting was a little less good and I think this episode was harder to simplify and abbreviate. Some of the little changes were really WOW O_O And some fell flat. Particularly the scene with Dean on the phone, it just didn't work like it does on the show. *shrug* This is still shaping up to be MUCH better than I thought it would be based on the trailers. I'm pleased.

tv: supernatural, anime: supernatural

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