Supernatural Anime episode 5: "Savage Blood"

Aug 04, 2011 03:16

Originally posted in my journal while watching.


Thoughts on Episode 5: Savage Blood
I predict vampires.

I think a vamp was just put down.

Yeah, string of beheadings and cattle mutilations. Here there be vampires.

Yes, hearing Jared's voice but not Jensen's is a little unsettling, but I think they make it work.

Is Dean wearing a quilted jacket? And calmly ruminating on bullying. Poor bullied kid. LOL at Dean's amazing catching abilities, isn't anime awesome?

The best looking thing in this show is the car, I swear. Beautiful animated car. Animated with love. Not like poor Dean who was obviously designed with hatred *cries*

Yes, Dean, he taught you to catch children off tall buildings. No, no, Dean. You couldn't do that in real life. You were able to catch the kid because you are an anime character now, not because John taught you judo or whatever.

By the way, this is another original story so far, and again it plays way better than the episodes based on episodes of the show.

So in the anime there isn't a Gordon, there is a Jason. They know vampires aren't extinct, and they already know Jason is bad news. I don't know why they are so quick to stalk him, though.

Hee, Dean just falls asleep. And....knows martial arts. And both him and the kid have magical martial arts outfits? Ah, anime.


Dean's being strangled. I must be watching "Supernatural."

Hey, flashback. John is being rough and lectury. I don't know if I believe Dean, even kid!Dean "losing it" and over killing a monster. He doesn't do that. SAM does that. It's kind of an important thing that Sam is the one who has the potential for going nuts, the one with anger in his core. But I guess it was kid!Dean, so I don't really have a problem with it. Just thinking. I do like caretaker!Dean.

"A silver bullet." [long ass pause] "Silver bullet?!" lol. Weird timing. And Sam's goodbye is very quick, haha.

Nice touch with the sweat drop.

So this is kind of like the Lenore episode of SPN, except DEAN gets captured. AND WHAT THE FUCK, how is the guy lifting him by his head like that? WHEN did he rig up that ROOM? Oh yeah, Anime!

The whole "only an idiot strikes back in anger" is something that comes up in anime rather often. Wouldn't in the show, especially coming from Dean.

Wait wait wait, his wife is a vampire too? HOW did she have children? Can vampires do that in the SPN-verse? I actually don't remember, I think I was going by the Buffy rules there. Has the show said whether they can procreate? I mean, how could two vampires have a human baby? And they couldn't have a vampire baby cause vampires don't age. HOW was this kid born? They should have said they found it.

Sadness :(

WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD IT RYAN IS A VAMPIRE TOO?! HOW?!?! HOW HAS HE AGED?!?! OK, so he hasn't really "turned" into one yet. And as long as he doesn't get a magical headache he won't turn? Dude, this is not explained well. Really. Bad explanation is bad. Sorry, when it comes to vampires I will turn off the suspension and analyze.

Oh hey, Jason. And he's british. I wish I could find a cast list. I wonder if any of these guys were in "Death Note."

Jason is not like Gordon. Jason is a pure evil sadist. Which is much much less compelling, but he works as a muahahaha baddie.

Dean has a pitchfork, run, save yourself! And where the hell is Sam?

THERE HE IS! SAVING THE DAY! But..."Nobody talks about Dad like that"? Would Sam say that? I'm not going to say that I'm comparing too much because the show has already established that Sam and John have a rocky relationship.

Wow, vampire!Ryan is vampire? So...he won't age? Way to go, Dean.

I still hate this cover, but only the vocals. The music at least makes me happy. I love that drum beat.

I like the little comparison between them and Ryan and his dad.

LOL! Jujitsu and not judo, lol...Sammy is smart. And...Dean LOANED Ryan the judo jujitsu clothes? Dean KEEPS old judo jujitsu clothes? And has one that fits him NOW? WHY?! He lives out of the car, don't you think he would have as few outfits as possible? Not to mention he's not particularly sentimental. Not sentimental enough to keep a judo jujitsu outfit he had as a KID! I guess maybe this is fanservice for those who wanted to see Dean doing martial arts? I don't know, it's just weird to me.

So far this might be my favorite. It's an original story so I'm not bothered by the abbreviations. It's a vampire story, which I always like. Yes, there are some major weirdities with how they DO the vampires (not to mention S&D being OOC, though some of that is me knowing their TV versions so well), but still it works as a short vampire anime story.

tv: supernatural, anime: supernatural

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