Originally posted in my journal while watching.
Thoughts on Episode 6: Till Death Do Us Part
Again, eating, which may slow me down.
Sam at Jess's grave :( She's a red-head in this for some reason. And looks like they did it outside under a tree! Go, Sam. Not much of a teaser, though.
So this may be the anime version of "Bloody Mary."
Looks like a flashback from when Sam wasn't around and Dean was hunting alone with John. Which the show never did. Dean wants to visit Sam, John won't. He wants Sam to "concentrate on school." And he's mean and won't let Dean drive.
Oooooooh Sam meeting Jess!!!!!
Sam, she's the love of your life. Don't snap at her.
Does Stanford look anything like this?
Not sure how I feel about John's voice. It lacks a warmth I would like to hear.
God, Risa, pull up your pants!
Hee, they go looking for Jessica since she was a friend of the girl who died, but she's not there. She's not there cause she's off with Sammy. And the car is driving off as Sam and Jessica come back. I like dovetails. And I like Jess's design. And I like Jared's voice acting.
I really care more about John and Dean together than I do about Riza's murder scene. Sigh. It's something the show doesn't portray- how it was when it was Dean and John hunting when Sam was in college. Anyway, the murder scene is much less gory than they could have made it. They showed restraint. Show is more horrific.
So did they see Metallicar? It looks like it was right there in front of them. Jess saw it, I think.
Sam, don't chew on your fingernail. You look like you wish you were L.
He sounds a little too alarmed when Jessica talks about summoning Bloody Mary as a kid. I hope they explain why Mary waited until NOW to come after the girls.
This angle of the story is actually pretty interesting. Completely different from how the show did it.
Hee, another dove tail. Dean and John return the books right as Sam comes to get them. They are in the same library. OMG only one shelf separates them! Man, they run right by him.
John's being a jerk. Not so much military jerk as just jerk jerk. How does he know Jess knows Sam? Did I miss something?
I don't mind Jess knowing about spirits ect or knowing that Sam knows about spirits ect. Awwww they kissing. AND SHE SEES HERSELF IN HIS EYES! NYOOO!
Um...what the fuck is going on? Sam's eyes just erupted in blood or something and he crumpled to the ground. WHAT THE HELL?! Even for anime this makes no sense. I guess Bloody Mary came out of his eyes cause they are all reflective-y. Except now his eyes are bleeding. Because this is an anime. Thankfully, John and Dean have made with the remains burning. And Sam's eyes are magically fine. Not a spot of blood on him. And Jess is all pretty, laying on a bed of flowers. And Sam lays down next to her, haha. And the pattern from above looks like an eye. SYMBOLISM.
Now Jess thinks it was a dream? Sure. And John and Dean see him walk by with Jess :( And Sam sees the car drive off :( Really makes me wanna watch "Swan Song." I know how important they are going to be to each other, and it's weird seeing them separated like this.
And back to the beginning, at Jess's grave. First mention of Bobby.
What a neat episode. This is my favorite. I can see other people disliking it a lot because it splits from the show a lot, but I'm fine with it. I am doing good at looking at this as its own thing. It's an anime and that's how I will watch it, like any other anime I picked up on a recommendation or something.
Anyway, this is another way this show can work: taking something the original show did do, but doing it differently. Additionally, they can do things the original couldn't do because of the confines of actors and aging. I would love to see more of Dean and John together without Sam. I am also hoping for some stuff from even earlier when it was the three of them before college. I really enjoyed this, can't wait for more.