Supernatural Anime episode 7: "Temptation of the Demon"

Aug 04, 2011 03:20

Originally posted in my journal while watching.


Thoughts on Episode 7: "Temptation of the Demon"
This one has a "Then" and it looks like the "Then" of s1, I think, as far as font goes.


Oh God Bobby is the worst thing ever. Ever. EVER. IT'S HORRIBLE. WHAT THE FUCK he looks like a gambler or something. WHAT THE FUCK. Well, at least he's nothing like the TV Bobby so I can just ignore him and take him as part of the anime, but GOD he's horrible.

Pic of the Colt! *fangirls Colt*

You gotta wonder if Jensen decided to opt out of dubbing this because Dean looks so terrible. Though I think it was probably scheduling or something.

The sick girl's voice sounds familliar.

Pretty Jess flashback.

Poor Sammy. Jess on the ceiling. And Jared is doing good voice work.

"Maria Masters"? Masters? Interesting.

OH shit, her daughter's name is Megan. Dammit.

Why is he asking her permission to possess her?

So in this, Azazel IS a fallen angel. Or he claims to be in this scene.

Wish he was more like TV Azazel. He's pretty flat here -_-

Man, I wish anime!Bobby was dead.

"The devil"? That's not the devil, stupid. Unless in this version Azazel is Lucifer, which is so totally idiotic.

I guess demons work differently in this?

And I think when they say "the devil" they just mean A devil. A demon. But it's confusing. I hope that's what they mean, anyway. Cause Azazel as The Devil is STUPID.

So the Post Credits Scene.

Wait "It wasn't the same demon who killed your mother, Sam's girlfriend, and Mary..." MARY IS THEIR MOTHER! WTF?

Dean's character is way different in the anime. It's not just voice and design. That might have something to do with why Jensen decided not to be a part of it.

And Meg is possessed. Or something. Not exactly. Possession isn't the same as it is on the show.

This was not a good episode at all, imho. I hate "Bobby." They made him different enough that I can handle it, but ick. Mostly it wasn't a good story. I was just bored.

tv: supernatural, anime: supernatural

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