Supernatural Anime episode 9: "The Spirit of Vegas"

Aug 04, 2011 03:24

Originally posted in my journal while watching.


Thoughts on episode 9: "The Spirit of Vegas"
I'm not really anticipating this one after the yuck in the last two, though at least this is an original story, I think.

A THEN. Neat.

Flashy and irritating. It must be Vegas. Who is talking? Someone is narrating and I can't tell who but it sounds weird, but intentionally weird. Wait, I think I know this voice. Dammit, I think I know the narrator, but I can't place him. It sounds a little like J Michael Tatum, but I doubt it's him cause he's based in Texas.

Anyway, Dean is winning a lot of money somehow.

I hope this whole episode isn't narrated.

This might be based on the concepts in "Bad Day at Black Rock." I know it's about bad luck and good luck, but it's Dean instead of Sam.

No, I don't think that's Tatum. It kind of sounds like his Isaac in "BACCANO!" That forced brightness, but Tatum does it better.

Wow, hot animated girl is hot.

Poor Sam. He seems so bummed out. Hah, Dean wants to pick Hot Animated Girl up but instead Sam is questioning her. I hate Dean's design, but I like his "boo this sucks" face here.

Stupid cock blocking Sam. Lol "Sammmmmyyyyy.....Sammmyyyyy"

Is Dean cheating? He says he's not, but really. And why is he wearing a tux while Sam is wearing normal clothes?

Dean slips and falls, heh. Dean's head gets hit by the elevator? I mean, there's bad luck and then there's silly.

So there is a little old Japanese guy on Dean's shoulder and he's the only one who can see it.

Hee Jared's voice expression is good. And there are stickers all over Sam's laptop for some reason.

So it's a Japanese god who possesses people and takes their luck. And now he's on Dean's bed.

So far this is good, it's kind of a neat way of putting Japanese stuff in SPN. Doing things the show couldn't do cause it would be too wtf. Unless Edlund wrote it, maybe.

"Why would the Japanese have a god like that anyway?" hee.

LOL! It's stupid, but the coin hitting him on the head made me laugh.

Salting and burning doesn't work for EVERYTHING, Dean. I've tried.

What the hell is up with this music?

LOL I like the coin finding its way back to Dean.

They should try melting it down.


The sound is really messed up in this episode :(


They aren't researching very well -_- You'd think Sam would be reading while Dean tries melting the cursed coin down.

Oh finally researching. Poor unlucky Dean. He's even worse off than Sam in "Black Rock" in some ways cause Sam was in a nicer room. Dean's like squatting or something.

ROFL FIRE! Totally callback to BDABR, but it was done better in BDABR cause they had more time. Why didn't Sam take the car? How is Dean able to do acrobatics on taxies? WHY WASN'T HE KILLED?!


In some ways this reminds me of early "Cowboy Bebop" episodes. I don't know why. Probably the gambling stuff.


I am laughing at Crying!Dean, though.

And I like Sam's quivering eyebrow of exasperation. I like how much this is an anime :)

The music in this episode sucks for some reason.

Shut up and eat the bread, Dean. Sammy is being nice to you.

When you remember that each of these guys dubbed this alone in a booth and one of them had never done this before, they both relate to each other really well. I wish there was pictures and video of Jared dubbing.

Stupid Dean, robbing Sam.

He knows he's unlucky, so WHY IS HE GAMBLING? Moron.

I wonder if the coin could be stolen or given away?

It is NOT that easy to steal from casinos.

In the show Sam would've found a ritual which could destroy the coin by now.

In animeland, people can grab falling people by the foot and save them from falling.

Unlucky guy shouldn't be involved in this!

No one says "DIE LOSER" like that before they shoot someone.

Sammy landed on her head?

Sam catches the coin and shoves it in her mouth?! The hell?!


Hee, happy Dean is happy.

They cut off Sam cussing! "Stream of good luck my a-" Heh.

Post Credit Scene, Dean is gambling again. He won $2. Hurray. He's betting Sam's money XD

Not bad at all, I really enjoyed it. Complete crack, original story (mostly, there were shades of "Bad Day at Black Rock"), things that probably couldn't be done in the live action show. And Blobby wasn't involved -_- Getting used to anime!Dean is something I have to do every time I watch, but as long as I divorce him from the show it's fine. This is not a good adaptation of "Supernatural" the live action awesomeness, but it's a good paranormal anime, imho.

tv: supernatural, anime: supernatural

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