Originally posted in my journal while watching.
OK. Here we go. One of my favorite live action episodes. The original is when I realized how fantastic the show was. Let's see how they do here.
So we see little Dean playing with bugs. He falls and hurts himself, so Mary gets up and he gets up and hugs her and its ;_; Then her eyes are black and it's revealed to be a nightmare which Dean BOLTS up from. Sam comes to the door and Dean is :D but....Sam walks right past him. And this would be much better without the music. So Dean realizes he's laying in the hospital bed with tubes and crap and his :D becomes a D:
Sam and John talk, John wants the Colt and a list of stuff "to stave off demons." Sam is irked, but he goes. Dean is there and he's :(
Blobby George wants to junk Metallicar, which would have destroyed the universe. Sam says NO and gives Blobby the list. It's like the show, basically.
Dean is D: He's scared and bothered that John is just sitting next to his bed. He really yells at John, then gets on his knees in sadness all "What more do you want from me?" Then Sam comes back pissed off that John wants to summon YED. He yells, John is jerky, Dean wants them to stop yelling, Sam basically says the same thing Dean said in the previous scene. John is pissed that Sam didn't shoot the demon and basically says that it's Sam's fault that Dean is dying. This is REALLY well done. Dean knocks the journal off the table, but doesn't say the famous line from the episode. Which is fine, it wouldn't fit here anyway. For once the SHOW is less intense than the anime.
Reaper is over Dean's body and Dean doesn't like it so he yells, and the Reaper just....sails off. Ok. Whatever. All Dean did was yell. *sniff* Dean puts his hand on Sam's shoulder and says "I'm right here," and Sam feels something <3
Dean thinks he sees Mary, but it's actually Tessa so I don't know why Dean thought it was Mary. Tessa isn't the best actress ever. They cut to Acceptance!Tessa, which works cause they have to abbreviate this. Dean flashes back to seeing Mary burn. Jeez. And John being a dick to him. Poor Dean. Tessa is all "It's time to rest now, Dean" and Dean says "Mother!" No Dean, that's TESSA, stupid. Then he sees a bug like the one in the opening. OK this is actually pretty moving. Dean's all "I'm happy now" and says he believes he can change destiny and he's gonna fight.
Now would be the time for Sam to have a ouija board, but in the anime he just sets up his laptop and asks Dean to type. Which is OK. It's actually kind of cool. He types "SAMMY" <3 The rest is pretty much the same, just with the laptop instead of the board. I don't know why they changed it, but it worked OK. Dean is happy that Sam "doesn't know when to give up."
John goes to a church with a bag of stuff, leaving the journal behind on his bed. Sam shows Dean the page on reapers, which makes him realize that Tessa/Mary's the reaper. He confronts her. So she actually did turn into Mary. Wow, Tessa would never do that. She's kind of scary here. She's downright mean! She doesn't have to be, it's mostly the reading. Wow, I disapprove.
So John is doing magical stuff and YED shows up. John uses his left hand for some reason. Anyway, the whole "I wanna make a deal" thing happens. Meanwhile Dean is up on the roof on his knees saying he won't die, then Tessa is bitchy about how Dean would be stuck as a spirit if he doesn't come. WHY did they have her read like this? It's not that it's different from the show. I'm fine with changes when they work. This plain doesn't work.
So Sam is crying ;_; and asking Dean not to leave him. He looks more emotional than he sounds, but that's how voice acting works sometimes. Back on the ranch, YED and John are still talking. Man, it would have been so cool if YED had been voiced by Patrick Seitz. YED wants John to "hand it to me." John has realization eyes, then they cut to Tessa getting possessed and de-dying Dean.
A bell is tolling (OMEN! I'VE SEEN DEATH NOTE! I KNOW WHAT BELLS MEAN!!!!!!) and S&D are talking. Then John comes in. Then Sam starts yelling and John says "We should stop fighting." And they are "HUH?" John's saying good bye :( So he asks Sam to go get him water and he goes (Jared makes a grunt that sounds like a fart o_0). Then John flashes back to coming back to the hotel when they were kids and they are cute and stuff. Pretty good voice actors. Kids are REALLY hit or miss in anime, so I'm glad they got people who can act for this. John apologises (he pronounces "sorry" the way Canadians do) for being a bad father ;_; "Dad, you're freaking me out." Then John says he's proud and whispers in Dean's ear. Dean has realization eyes, John leaves and the music builds before stopping.
Cut to the ceiling of the church and the sound of footsteps. John is walking down the aisle. Then they cut to Sam coming back with water and Dean's stunned face.
Post Credits: John's face. "Just take it." And the sound of a flatline. Title card announcing John's death. Fucking awesome.
That was brilliant. Very well executed. They actually managed to compress one of my favorite episodes and still make it terrific. I do not like bitchy!Tessa, but other than that it was fantastic. That's it. I officially love this anime.