Cymbal’s Adventure Pt.3

Jan 16, 2011 01:37

While waiting for the owner,
i mentioned the park, right?
we don't ride on a bus,,
instead we went there on foot!
it's been a long time since we went out for a walk.
and the weather's nice =)
this is the scenery on the way~

Part 3~ (critanya udh mulai ngelantur) )


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Comments 4

anonymous January 15 2011, 18:14:15 UTC
awww! i feel so baaaddd after reading the first part of the post! :(
maavkan yaaa.. abisnyaa yg pny apt ga kasitau klo mo pegii.. kata ko ega jg bkal ada org d rmhh.. trus gw jg gatau klo trnyt ada ampli sgalaa.. klo cymbal gw tau mmg berat, cm qta jg ga tau hrs minta tolong siapa lg, secara smua org uda sibuk bgttt.. ada siih mgkn bbrp org lain yg nganggur, cm gw kurang prcaya ama merekaa..
eventhough you don't have the hard feeling anymore, still, i wanna say sorryyy.. and thankyouu so muchh for your help!! we really appreciate it, indeed!
by the way, nice pictures!! gw bahkan gatau ada tuh taman, haha.. you should bring me there some time, hihii..



nezu_ri January 15 2011, 18:27:18 UTC
apology accepted (ciee,, kyg di pilm2 gtu..)
btw, waktu oke-in telpon lo, g bener2 rela loh..
pas tau hrs nunggu dlu jg msh nyantai2 aja,
soalnya bisa jalan2 gituw~
trs, pas di bus berangkatnya hp g tiba2 ngk bisa sms,
jadi mulai agak2 bete gitu d,,
tapi pas ketemu ma ko ronal, hp g sehat lg =)
n yg pertamany bikin postnya jadi tragis tu,
gara2 pada nanyain knapa g kok ngk naek taxi aja malah naek bus.. hasilnya jadi metal deh =p
tapi setelah diinget2 lg..
demi kakak2 tercinta kita juga..
trs hp g bener,,
ketemu taman..
hepi lg d~ hehe..
lastly, asking for help is welcomed =)


lovelynds January 15 2011, 19:35:32 UTC
untung ketemu sama ko Ronal tuh hp lyd~~
for sumi: berkat nolongin lo, gw kluar kamar, rencana ny gw cuma k Auchan doank,, jadi nya jalan2 d.. ^O^


anonymous January 16 2011, 09:12:16 UTC
huwaaa.. terima kasih teman2kuuu..
pas ko ega tb2 blg ada amplii, gw kagett.. cm mw gimana lg, gw jg kasian liat dia uda pontangpantingg, ga mgkn kesana jg..
yaaa, pkknya tar abis liburan, ajak gw k taman itu yaa! haha..


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