Des Moines, here I stay....

Aug 22, 2006 16:08

Well, first off, i should let everyone know reading this that i cannot go back iowa for the year. Unfortunately, it is completely my fault, my grades werent good enough to stay there. I know i just didnt care, and i was lazy, because ive always been lazy, but i think it might be something else too. Ive been thinking about it,a nd i tell myself i ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

kbomb326 August 23 2006, 02:25:34 UTC
Hey Ash!!! I am sorry that you are unhappy right now. Don't be so hard on yourself though...things happen! What matters is that you learn from it. I will call you anytime I come back to Des Moines! Stay strong and I am always here for you if you ever need to talk! I love you!


nfgchick319 August 24 2006, 00:23:17 UTC
haha yeah im hoping i learned from it. otherwise, im in much deeper than i could have imagined. anyway..thanks for everything and i hope things are going great at UNI!


damsigac August 23 2006, 03:57:07 UTC
the only people you want to see live in iowa city? thanks you bastard. seriously though, i'm here for you if you ever need to talk or if you need to get away from your parents!


nfgchick319 August 24 2006, 00:21:28 UTC
haha yeah..good job spotting that. your right, the only people i miss arent just in iowa city, but when i was writing this, its just how it came out. I miss you myra!


diablopablo August 23 2006, 18:56:16 UTC
I didn't know you're going to the 'MACC.

Which campus?


(The comment has been removed)

diablopablo August 30 2006, 18:18:10 UTC
Umm, this is Paul.

I'm still going to UofI. Have a good year at the 'MACC!


nfgchick319 August 30 2006, 20:20:41 UTC
ha! how embarrassing....sorry paul..have a good year at iowa...and thanks!


greatsparky August 23 2006, 21:26:18 UTC
You feel bad? Im sorry. HEY! Look at me and Im almost back up. And I had a 0.0!!!!


nfgchick319 August 24 2006, 00:22:03 UTC
yeah...i know this. where are you going this fall anyway?


greatsparky August 24 2006, 03:52:44 UTC
Im going to be at Ankeny DMACC then off to UNI!! WOOT


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