Anya Kylie entered the room.
Anya Kylie: hello all
Cyric (MA): hi
Anya Kylie: how are you doing guinness?
Cyric (MA): I'm well, you?
Anya Kylie: you back ?
Cyric (MA): I'm here. just floating, lol
Anya Kylie: I'm icky
Cyric (MA): soryr to hear that =\
Cyric (MA): *sorry
Anya Kylie: not your fault
Anya Kylie: I was castrated as part of my process and its been a hard time to adjust
cflutist85 entered the room.
Caden: how is everyone this fine sunday evening?
Anya Kylie: :-(
Caden: whats wrong?
Anya Kylie: Reacently castrated... = lots O side effects
Caden: ?
Tate: what?
Anya Kylie: I had my testicles killed. Lacking testicles after having them for 21 years has created a huge testosterone void which is causing lots of withdrawel
Anya Kylie: Examples
Anya Kylie: I am now anemick, getting hurt for no reason, fainting, racked with pain, my breasts are swelling up constaly my hips are widening not pleasent either ectra...
Caden: is this a procedure you wanted? or was it needed for medical reason?
Anya Kylie: Well I'm intersexed
Caden: ok
Caden: how do you identify gender-wise?
Anya Kylie: and Unfrotunately I don't wanna have any male parts anymore thus I have to go though a bunch of junk
Anya Kylie: Female But that doesn't mean the process is anything but tormenting pain and agony
Caden: what exactly do you want then? im not trying to be mean or anything, but it sounds like you are doing an awful lot of complaining for someone who doesnt want male parts
Anya Kylie: It hurts
Anya Kylie: And complainging is only human
Anya Kylie: when your hurting
Caden: oh, i know
Caden: didnt they give you any pain medication?
Anya Kylie: I don't take pain medication
Caden: why not?
Anya Kylie: I don't believe in taking more pills then I have to
Anya Kylie: I am alredy on tons of crap
Anya Kylie: not about to agree to anything else
Tate: seems a bit silly not to take pain meds if you're in pain
Caden: the fainting is probably a result of the anemia
Anya Kylie: I'm anemicak naturaly
Caden: do you take iron supplements?
Anya Kylie: this probaly excerbated it
Anya Kylie: yes
Caden: it shouldnt have
Tate: I wouldn't have thought the two things were connected
Caden: well, considering its not typical, you may want to get in touch with your doctor. its something you should be concerned about
Caden: are you eating enough?
Caden: a lot of people when they are in pain dont eat as much, which could be causing your anemia to flare up
Anya Kylie: Causes of Anemia
Anya Kylie: Cancer therapy: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy
Anya Kylie: I am on eulixn
Tate: what's that for?
Anya Kylie: a medican used in the treatment of testical cancer
Anya Kylie: Its a chemical castratore
Hal (NH): hello says i
Caden: hi hal
Tate: hang on, I'm getting confused here, you've not had surgery? you're just on medication?
Anya Kylie: I'm on a chemical castrator
Anya Kylie: they didn't remove it
Anya Kylie: they gave me medican that bascily killed them without sergury
Tate: so what's with the pain then?
Anya Kylie: testosterone withdrawel
Caden: thats funny
Anya Kylie: mixed with just a rapid increase with my femanine devlopment
Tate: I've never heard of people suffering pain from lack of testosterone
Caden: if testosterone withdrawal caused pain id be in a good lot right now
Tate: I've never heard any mtfs mention it and you'd think they'd know
Caden: the only part of rapid feminine development that would cause pain is breast enlargement, and i promise if its happening that fast you need to call your doc
Anya Kylie: I'm not a male to female
Caden: i never said you are
Tate: I didn't say you were
Cyric (MA): they were refering to the changes that MtF's go through.
Cyric (MA): hormonally they may be similar
Anya Kylie: but I'm not a male to female so the fact they are stitign whats happened to male to females they know is rediclous
Tate: no, I said mtfs don't say anything about testosterone withdrawal causing pain
Caden: anya, all were saying is that hormonally the changes would be similar. we are in no way saying youre mtf
Caden: im sorry if it came off the wrong way
Anya Kylie: I am both genders and as such my body probaly got used to having both hormones I am
not a dr but I have looked into my situation
Anya Kylie: and it is causing pain
Caden: everybody has both hormones, i dont know what youre on about
Anya Kylie: having a massive quainty of both
Tate: I can't see how this is causing you pain, hormone withdrawal does not cause pain
Anya Kylie: first off
Anya Kylie: the fact I have anemia alone
Caden: anya?
Anya Kylie: Anemia is defined as "a pathologic deficiency in the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the red blood cells." It is a common problem for cancer patients and often results from the therapies used to suppress or control tumors
Caden: the medicine youre on is an antiandrogen, also used to treate prostate cancer NOT testicular cancer
Caden: secondly, im a nursing major, dont lecture me on side effects, ive been hearing that all year
Anya Kylie: silly
Caden: what is?
Caden: that i know my shit and you dont?
Anya Kylie: they haven't even documented everythign to do with gender related issues
Anya Kylie: only three universistes in the country even have programs in it
Caden: ive now done three very different research papers on the subject
Tate: Anya, make up your mind what the problem is... first it's anemia, then it's castration, then it's something else
Caden: yeah seriously
Anya Kylie: they are all problems compounding to put in alot of pain
Anya Kylie: anemia is one of my problems
Cyric (MA): so go see a doctor, seek treatment
Caden: anemia doent cause pain either
Tate: anemia does not cause pain, neither does hormone withdrawal
Tristan (AB): I have Hey Castrator stuck in my head now, tee hee.
Anya Kylie: Anemia is defined as "a pathologic deficiency in the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the red blood cells." It is a common
Caden: do you even know what that means?
Tate: doesn't Google come in handy?
Anya Kylie: problem for cancer patients and often results from the therapies used to suppress or control tumors. Anemia is associated with fatigue
Tristan (AB): "Hey castrator, take the strong out of me"
Anya Kylie: a feeling of weakness or diminished physical and mental capacity unrelieved by rest (fatigue). Additional symptoms
Anya Kylie: include diminished ability to perform daily functions and possibly impaired cognitive function, headache, dizziness, chest pain and shortness of breath, nausea, depression and occasionally pain. These symptoms are often complicated by coexisting disease
Anya Kylie: (s).There are many compromises that are necessary when one has symptomatic anemia. This can affect the tolerability of therapy. Anemia is also associated with a poorer prognosis and increased mortality.
Anya Kylie: Apparently you don't know your shit on anemia
Anya Kylie: and you need to research more before you speak
Caden: anya?
Caden: i was just wondering something
Anya Kylie: what...?
Anya Kylie: Causes of Anemia
Caden: the medicine youre on, eulixin? what does it look like? we've learned 2 drugs with similar names im just trying to figure out maybe ive got the wrong one
ShpshftngAryo entered the room.
Andrew (OR): *pokes everyone*
Anya Kylie: Its kinda yellowish white pretty big tastes like posions chalk and has the consitany of chalk
Caden: youre full of shit
Anya Kylie: No I
Caden: eulexin is two toned brown pills which would not have a "consistency"
Anya Kylie: How can I be full of shit whne I have it righ here
Caden: whatever
Anya Kylie: Eulixin is also know as
Caden: believe whatever you want
Caden: i know what it is also known as, i dont need a lecture
Caden: its aka flutamide
Anya Kylie: thats what I am on
Caden: so obviously i do know my shit
Anya Kylie: novo flutamide
Caden: so why dont you shut up
Anya Kylie: well you didn't know the side effects of anema
Anya Kylie: DID YOU
Caden: actually i do know
Anya Kylie: or apprently that eulixin is cancer treatment
Anya Kylie: when mind you
Caden: its not my fault youre a stupid dipwad who cant even look on a credible website when you want to lie about something
Anya Kylie: cancer threapy is one of the causes of anemia
Anya Kylie: its credible
Caden: just not for YOUR kind of cancer
Anya Kylie: your silly I sware
Anya Kylie: and by the way
Caden: if youre going to come in here and expect sympathy i would suggest you do some real research and come up with some symptoms that are actually medically possible
Anya Kylie: I order my drugs from canda thus the pictures that come in your PDR are not the same
Anya Kylie: It is possible
Anya Kylie: your very narrow minded and foolish
Anya Kylie: look at how your acting
Caden: me?
Caden: look at you!
Cyric (MA): look at how your treating someone who is trying to be helpful
Anya Kylie: would you like me to scan and send you apicture of my medication
Anya Kylie: to shut your ignorant mouth up
Cyric (MA): I would like to see you show some damn decency
Caden: you can do whatever you want, but im willing to bet it would be a false picture
Anya Kylie: I am decent
Tate: Anya, we don't appreciate that kind of talk in here
Caden: the only ignorant mouth in this room is yours
Anya Kylie: I would know what I'm going through thank you very much
Caden: you mean you know what youre making up?
Tate: you're getting pain from diseases that don't give you pain apparently
Anya Kylie: A false picture your insane
Caden: actually no, my psychological statement on file with the school of nursing says im perfectly sane, thank you very much
Andrew (OR): You might as well scan it, ne?
Anya Kylie: I'm dislexic
Anya Kylie: I can't help my typeing
Tate: you said a while ago you were an award winning writer, no mention of being dyslexic
Anya Kylie: I am
Andrew (OR): Apparently she is everything at once.
Anya Kylie: and I Am dyslexic
Tate: ah, so you are good at fantasy
Cyric (MA): indeed.
Tate: and now you can spell dyslexic
Anya Kylie: I just copied you have you ever heard of an editor I mean or spell check which isn't a function in a chat room
Cyric (MA): I was looking for Non-fiction, and when I saw some of Anya writing I realized I stepped in to the fiction (a.k.a bullshit) section....
Tate: why would you copy? what does that prove?
Tate: do you copy a lot, Anya?
Anya Kylie: Well If see a word spelt correctly in front of my face that was once incorrect why not correct it
Andrew (OR): Could we just see if she can procure pictures of these pills?
Caden: she has to photoshop it first, didnt you realise
Cyric (MA): photoshop, classic!
Anya Kylie: I didn't thinnk I'd have to scan them I will if you like
Tate: you offered
Andrew (OR): Unless of course the scanner has gone and run off.
Tate: I wonder how long it takes
Andrew (OR): What, to catch the scanner?
Andrew (OR): :P
Cyric (MA): as long as it takes her to google the right picture I'd figure
Caden: lolol
Andrew (OR): Hmm...I want oreos...
Caden: oooh, look who's being quiet...maybe shes realised this is one battle a liar cant win
Anya Kylie left the room.
FTMichael27: HA!
Andrew (OR): Whooo!
Andrew (OR): Oreos for everyone!
Tate: well, would you look at that
Cyric (MA): if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, Baffle them with bullshit
Tristan (AB): Our chat has been reclaimed!
Cyric (MA): and then hightail it out of the room, lol
Tate: that was the most fun I've had all night