Espinelves is a village in the mountain that produces all the fir trees that are used in Catalunya, to decorate the houses this time of the year, and in part of Spain.
My mother and my grandfather went to this festival. I couldn't go, but they took photos, so here they are! ^__^
The "pessebres" is a typical Spanish-Catalan tradition that represents the birth of Jesus in a small size. You can buy the figures that represent the family and other people like the angels, the shepherds, the Three Wise Men and "el caganer" (a Catalan tradition figurine that is defecating and you have to hide it in the "pessebre" so it'll be difficult to find. The children always look for him when they see a "pessebre". Nowadays there's also a "pixaner" that is pissing. Yes, it's a strange tradition, but it's ours! XDDD)... Then you can also buy the houses, the animals, etc.
Normally, the "caganers" represent famous people and it's hilarious seeing them in that position! XDDD
A small house decorated as it was from the "pessebre".
Another tradition of Catalunya is "el tió", a trunk of a tree with a face and the typical Catalan hat: "la barretina". It's said to the children that if you feed the trunk properly (with fruits, cookies, etc and it's the parents who eat the food to make the children believe) it will defecate (in the Christmas' Day) presents and chocolate once you have hitted it with a stick and have sung a typical song. "El tió" won't defecate anymore after the potatos and the onions.
They also sold cheese.
And herbs.
And made a breakfast with "botifarra i pa amb tomàquet" (a type of sausage and bread with tomato).
And another "pessebre", made by hand and more modern!
And another cute "tió" with the lyrics of the song that is sung ^__^