Well, as our lovely new overseer has given us a request, I decided I simply must fulfill it. So below, dear BRaWLDOS, you will find icons that I, Mizuki Hajime, have made just for you. I've even given suggestions on their uses. ♥
This icon conveys the simple beauty and elegance of a well maintained computer. A dignified icon for a dignified system.
Feeling a little naughty? Why don't you bare what's hidden just under your cover?
When those plebes just won't listen, you can use this to describe just what sort of broken pile they will wind up in.
The greatest of all of us have our secrets to maintain, and this icon shows that those secrets are under lock and key.
Feeling at all friendly? Wish to invite someone you like over for a chat? Just pull up a chair for them. Of course, you still surround them, showing who has control of the situation.
Finally, for when your anger is just too much to handle and you feel like you're going to explode.
I do hope they're to your liking~ nfufu