(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 14:08


The shoes you wore today: sandals

your eyes: blue

Your weakness: well, thats private of course

Your fears: being alone in pool, lake, chucky, scary movies

-----------------WHAT IS------------------

Your thoughts before you go to bed: I should have gone to sleep hours ago

The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: pants his wearing,

Your best physical feature: smile

Your greatest accomplishment: Become chef, open own resturant

Your most missed memory: Having a toast, with toast

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------

Pepsi or coke: Pepsi

McDonald's or Burger King: Fast food?! Taco Bell..

Single or group dates: single

Adidas or Nike: Adidas, hate nike cept my sandles..*looks down* damn sandles..

Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, vinalla is boring

Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino, if i hate to but Hot chocolate most

-----------------DO YOU------------------

Cuss: not really

Take a shower everyday: Every morning, and before work, so more like twice a day

Have a crush: blah, no

Who are they: My imaginary friend named Bob

Do you think you've been in love?:no

Like high school: Most of the time

Want to get married: eventually

Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: usually

Believe in yourself: Nah, I'm imginary

Get motion sickness: only once

Think you're attractive: uhh a lil i guess

Think you're a health freak: umm no

Get along with your parents: yup

Like thunderstorms: definitely

Play an instrument: nah

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------

Drank alcohol: yup

Done a drug: not this month

Had Sex: never.......

Made Out: no, can't say i have..ever

Go on a date: nope

Go to the mall: yes

Eaten sushi: wanted to?

Been on stage:nop
Been dumped: nope

Gone skating: nope

Made homemade cookies: not recently

Been in love: not really

Dyed your hair: speaking of that i was wondering what color my real hair is..

Stolen anything: ummm, yea..on that topic

----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

Flown on a plane: yes

Missed school because it was raining?: hmm that could be a good excuse though

Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yea

Cried during a Movie?: once..er twice, but i think once

Ever thought an animated character was hot?: lol, Six...no not six characters, but the actual character Six

Had an imaginary friend: His name is Bob

Been on stage?: people haven't?

Cut your hair: when i was a kid, i got yelled at. I should do it again sometime lol

Had crush on a teacher?: ewwww

Played a game that required removal of clothing?:OMG? people seriously do that? yea, i've played

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: ok i admit it, i do..once i have yes

Been caught "doing something": nah im prude

Been called a tease: lol, all the time actually

Gotten beaten up: by your sisters and brothers, does that count?

Been in a fight: serveral..

Shoplifted: nah im not that stupid, close to it but that close

Snuck out of the house?: depends on what you consider sneaking or just taking teh conquenses

Cried to get out of trouble: nah, i make sure what i did is worth the trouble

Gotten lost in your city?: lets see, Detroit, Chicago, L.A. Atlanta, all i need now is Austin, Dever, and New York, and maybe houston, and I'll have them all. (might have missed one or two..)

Seen a shooting star?: yes, i'm sweet i know

Been to any other countries besides The United States?: Canada?

Had a serious surgery?: not really

Stolen something important to someone else?: no, can't say i have

Solved a rubiks cube?: wow, you have to be really bored to do that

Gone out in public in your pajamas? sure, why not?

Cried over a girl/boy? who hasn't?

Kissed a random stranger?: yea uhh, i have problems kissing normal friends let alone strangers

Hugged a random stranger?: have done this

Been in a fist fight?: yes

Been arrested?: i sure hope not

Had alcohol?: ummmm

Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: no but does pop count?

Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: lol, yes thats fun

Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: have done this, with school not having power

Swore at your parents?: got grounded

Been to warped tour?: almost, almost

Kicked a guy where it hurts?: sorry tony..and mike, and some guy i can't remember yer name, and others im sure

Been in love?: yes yes yes yes yes and again yes

Been close to love?: i don't think so

Been to a casino?: love mt. pleasent

Ran over an animal and killed it?: 2 cats, and a possume i think..it went bump, bump but there were no bodies! the bodies where gone?!

Broken a bone?: fractured?

Gotten stitches?: no

Had a waterballoon fight in winter?: is that common? what about a water sprayer fight?

Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: ewwww

Made homemade muffins?: corn muffins UMMMMM

Bitten someone?: yea..well..not everyone is proud of what they've done

Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: yuppers

More than 5 times?: twice, er three?

Been to Niagra Falls?: serveral times

Burped in someones face: YUCK!!!

Gotten the chicken pox?: someone hasn't?

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------

Age you hope to be married: 28

Numbers and Names of Children: none

How do you want to die?: quick while im having fun

What do you want to be when you grow up?: Chef

What country would you most like to visit?: Down under, er Aussieland

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------

Best eye color: green, blue

Best hair color: brown/blonde

Short or long hair: short and spikey

Best height: taller than me

Best weight:

Best first date location: nature?

Best first kiss location: when teh right time comes

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------

Number of girlfriends/boyfriends you've had: 2

Number of kisses you've given: 0

Number of drugs taken illegally: 3

Number of people I could trust with my life: 3

Number of CDs that I own: 7?

Number of piercings: 2

Number of tattoos: 0

Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: i don't think i've been in the news paper

Number of scars on my body: you expect me to count them?

Number of things in my past that I regret: a few, but who doesn't?


Shampoo: prefer Herbal Essences, but Sauve

Favorite Colour: Bright red

Day/Night: night

Summer/Winter: winter, for walking at night

Lace or Satin: satin

Favorite Cartoon Character: Little Mermaid

Favorite Food: chicken

Favorite Movies: Disney, Little Princess, Gladiator, Twister, Stage Beauty

Band/Group: Him, System of a Down, more i'm sure

Song: thunder rolls, garth brooks, letters from home, john michael montgomery

Stuffed animal: Teddy Bear

TV show: Tripping teh Rift

Book: Treasure Island, Little Princess

Game on a cell phone: my gmaes just suck, i like my gameboy

CD Cover: uhh

Scent: Tag, Adidas for him

Animal: kitty

Comic book: no

Cereal: Captain Crunch, cinnimon toast crunch

Website: google

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

Wearing: pj pants, and some t-shirt

Drinking: crystal lite

Thinking about: watching the rest of a movie

Listening to: Him, Heaven tonight

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

Cried: no

Worn jeans: yes

Met someone new online: nope

Done laundry: not by choice

Drove a car: yes

Talked on the phone: yes

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------

Yourself: i hope so

Your friends: most of them

Santa Claus: eh he gave better presents when i was a kid

Tooth Fairy: watched that stupid movie on her, scared me, but no

Easter Bunny: not really ever, like hiding baskets and looking for them though

Destiny/Fate: depends on the situation and whats going on. Littlier things, but bigger things i still wish to believe I'm in a little control

Angels: yup

God: Most everyone does in one way or another, so yes

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

Do you ever wish you had another name?: Considered it when i was young

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no

Do you like anyone?: not really

Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Looooove

Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Ginger and Love

How many friends do you have?: u want me to fucking count? 1 best friend, one sister friend, and a bunch of other friends

What are their names?: no no no no no too much thinking not good no

Do you have a best friend?: not really

Have you ever liked one of your friends?: i'd say so, never again

Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: Guys

Have you ever lost a friend?: lost? i guess you could put it that way

Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?: serveral times

Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?: Toast, It's 2 am

Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?: people don't?

Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?: i don't know what the nicest was

Do you miss any of your old friends?: occasionally

Do you regret anything you've done to a friend?: just with 2 friends, but i'm thinking i wasn't wrong with what i did about the 2nd one

How often do you spend time with your friends?: once in a while

Do any of your friends drive?: i hope so

Has a friend of yours ever died?: aww thats sad to ask that

Whats the dumbest thing you've done with a friend?: lol, what haven't we done that was dumb?

What do you think your friends think of you?: some chick, alright to hang with, can be a bitch

Are you close to any family member?: ya, brothers and sisters..Dad

When have you cried the most: 5th grade

What's the best feeling in the world?: laughing so hard you can't breathe, and just being loved and/or held

Worst Feeling: knowing you can't control whats going on, or can't fix it at all

What time is it now?: 12:45 pm
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