Fan Fiction - Nothing to Fear

Apr 06, 2012 19:26

Title:            Nothing to Fear
Characters: Shingo, Kimura, Nakai
Rating:        G
Disclaimer:  These characters do not belong to me.
Inspired by a dokkiri played on Shingo & Kimura. You can download it here

Nothing to Fear

Shingo had been scared. More scared than he liked to admit even to his seventeen year old self. Though he had tried his best to appear cool, he suspected the others knew. Kimura kun knew. But then it was only the two of them - Kimura and Shingo who had been fooled in the dokkiri; only they who had felt threatened by the senpai who accused Shingo of stealing his ring.

It was a prank, a joke, of course, and yet even hours later Shingo was not able to laugh. He hadn’t told anyone how he felt, not even Tsuyopon. He wished he was tougher, able to play catch ball with situations the way Kimura kun did. But sometimes it was hard to get behind the ball, much less throw it back. Shingo secretly wondered if Kimura’s reaction to the dokkiri was not merely relief that he didn’t really have to fight anyone, especially not Nakai kun.

Lying in bed, the darkness felt heavy around him, his thoughts pricking at Shingo like so many summer mosquitos. He knew it was not his fault - the confrontation Kimura kun was almost a part of for his sake, and yet… and yet the heaviness told him otherwise. Shingo had never seen Kimura kun that angry. That had scared him but what frightened him even more was thinking about what might have happened. What if Kimura kun had hit that senpai? What if he’d hit Nakai kun? What if he’d gotten hurt or in trouble trying to protect Shingo?

There was no point in thinking about things that might have been and yet the more he thought of it, and it seemed he could think of nothing else, it was always like this - Kimura kun looking out for him; looking out for all of them. Scary as things ever got, worried as he ever was, Shingo knew that Kimura and Nakai were always there. He couldn’t run away from struggles and neither of them would let him, but he knew, too, that both of them had his back. Nakai kun knew when to scold and when to set a limit to Shingo’s nonsense, but also when he most needed praise and someone to laugh at his lame jokes.

Then there was Kimura. The man who never gave up on anything, never lost patience with Shingo’s childishness, never tired of his silliness, never failed with a smile, a word, a gesture to cheer him up when he was blue about school, or girls, or work. Kimura kun never gave up believing in Shingo’s ability to learn anything new, but maybe most important, he never let Shingo give up on himself.

Shingo was the youngest and in many ways the weakest among the members but with his senpais he felt strong. He knew that as long as he had his friends no real harm could come to him. As long as he was SMAP he had nothing to fear. He hoped he would always be SMAP.

Shingo yawned loudly. He knew he could sleep now, his thoughts herded like so many sheep. But there was one thought that strayed back into his mind - he wanted to do something for Kimura kun. But what could he do? Kimura had not for a moment considered the consequences before protecting Shingo. He and Nakai kun did what they did for Shingo and the others freely and naturally, without a thought of receiving anything in return. How could Shingo compete with that? What could he possibly give Kimura kun?


Shingo peeked in first. Kimura was alone, playing the guitar in the small dressing no one ever used. Shingo hesitated just as Kimura looked up with a “what?” expression. Shingo shook his head and turned away and then turned back.

Kimura Kun?



Kimura looked at Shingo blankly.

Just thanks.

Kimura shrugged and returned to his guitar.

Oi, Shingo!


Do you have any gum?

Shingo shook his head, smiling walked away feeling lighter than ever before.

nakai masahiro, smap, fanfic, katori shingo, kimura takuya

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